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Intermediate Proud Midist Registered user 1497 Points
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Full name: Syed Ali Rizvi
Location: Porkistan
Website: I don't have any website
About: I'm a gay bottom & I love gay sex a lot I really don't care what homophobes like daffenSS thinks about me fuck off these evil motherfuckers they never understands our emotions they are just got jealous of us actually they can't tolerate if anyone enjoying his or her life this is our life so we control it no one else these scums always looking for excuses to criticize, judge, torture, kill and persecute people these bastards thought killing and torture is only solution of all problems fucking evil retards if two man or two woman having sex with each other at that way they can't harm anyone if i want sex with anyone then it's my personal matter no one have a rights to interfere in it homosexuality is not a crime or sin so die slowly you homophobic perverts extremists waffenSS, tennasin, amogus, mindset, ToeLickingSlut, jungilee, Storm DK, YoMomsAHoe, Usjzjz, Anarchistic, M4 Monarch, Anarpeist, ToDaHell & most(lgbtq) hater etc

Activity by Proud Midist

Score: 1,497 points (ranked #381)
Title: Intermediate
Media: 18
Comments: 186
Replies: 668
Voted on: 165 Media, 146 Comments
Gave out: 115 up votes, 196 down votes
Received: 353 up votes, 135 down votes