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First Norwegian soldier died in Ukraine! His contractual status is unknown, let’s say “merc”

5,945 views May 29, 2024

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Deeeesensitized Beginner 247 points
Goodnight Norway Man.
0 votes
May 29, 2024
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,190 points
What the fuck are these fake sounds? 0:17 and at 0:52
+2 votes
May 29, 2024
Sakmadik_nigger Experienced 381 points
yeah seems like staged
Sum Dum Phuc Famous 3,472 points
Not a mercenary if rocking a national flag. They are NATO cannon fodder pigs waging more war against Russia.
+1 vote
May 29, 2024
chancho The Boss 28,806 points
as a merc you can wear whatever, even the flag of your country out of affection. the good thing is that as merc you can keep any loot and fuck any woman, in addition to your pay. the con is no one's coming to help you if you get in a mess
+1 vote
May 29, 2024
richyhawk Well-Known 784 points
I wanna see a soldier wear the rainbow flag. Go Rainbow Warrior! Oh wait, they might be shot at from both sides.
+3 votes
May 29, 2024
Sum Dum Phuc Famous 3,472 points
Trenches of transgenders rocking the rainbow flag. The chicks with dicks brigade. Lesbian nanna regiment.
Afool Famous 3,765 points
manguta84 Beginner 196 points
al menos el estaria alli echandole huevos y tu tirao en un sofa echando kilos
ꑭ Zelq ꑭ Beginner 130 points
Why do this Shit seems so staged lol where are the background Artillery No Communication between soldiers no smoke in the inside 1 of the soldier was looking was taking an brake their clothes did not seem like they were affected by the grenade blast at all (Seems all like some fake propaganda)
+3 votes
May 30, 2024
suicideisfreewill Famous 3,075 points
Its all the work of Russia and their State-run computer engineers.
NebuJlN Veteran 14,208 points
Could easily be staged.
+4 votes
May 30, 2024
Just4funhaha Experienced 470 points
Biden keeps sending money to this fools for laundering while Putin keep killing them all lmao.
0 votes
May 30, 2024
RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,904 points
How many times you going to post the same bullshit? Putin is just killing them all!! Especially the ones he sends to Ukraine lmao
Just4funhaha Experienced 470 points
Just4funhaha Experienced 470 points
Lmao redneckhawaiian  ugly as shit and drives an Honda and does night shopping
RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,904 points
Yup I’m ugly as shit oil field roughneck trash, I’m not a faggot that drives a rice burner, wtf is night shopping? Is that what democrats do? Lmao
LUCAS SOMBRIO☭ The Boss 48,573 points