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LiveGore is a reality news website which reports on real life events which are of the interest to the public. Includes videos relating to true crime that have been taken from across the world. Due to the graphic nature of materials found on Live Gore, access is restricted to adults only(18+). !!Please leave this website if you under that age!!

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41,562 views Dec 21, 2021

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NobleSix789 Beginner 166 points
My first comment on LiveGore.  I now welcome myself to the rice fields motherfucker.
+2 votes
Dec 21, 2021
Captain Boner Well-Known 998 points
Fuck you and your pimp Hitler. Why don't you go take a shower with the "brotherhood" again so you can lick the suds that come out of their ass after you pump em in the ass and talk about how your hero Hitler wasn't even blond haired or blue eyed and was a syphilis carrying faggot that combed his hair like an alter boy....hahaha
NobleSix789 Beginner 166 points
Hmmmmmm, fresh tears.  Love em.  Keep crying faggot.
LulzyEmpath Experienced 498 points
Lol you got these nigger lovers crying RIVERS. FUCK YEAH. 1488 you spook ass coons!
booyaa325 Beginner 235 points
welcome theirs lots of sand niggers on here
Captain Boner Well-Known 998 points
Hey asshole, no one's crying. I'm  calling you out for believing a fake aryan was your "God" Also, Im no pussy. You don't want any of this. All "chop you up" over here white pride faggot.
NobleSix789 Beginner 166 points
Ew, faggot believes in a "God" lol.  Also keep talking, *Lick*.
booyaa325 Beginner 235 points
lmao right hahahah XD also who the fuck believes in something as primitive as mass religion based faith but i bet you love fallowing all the primitive backwards ass rules of your dead dune coon cave lord muhamid fucking his goats hiding away in his cave just like the coward osama bin-fuckin goats
Terrible Well-Known 960 points
Adolf was the Best ,can he Standing up we Jesus and Kill Nigger and Islam Homos
blackoverothers 11 points
booyaa365 you fucking retard probably living a 9-5 with a porn addiction and god complex younwill never amount to anything end your life its in the best interest for everyone you redneck imbred
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,391 points
finally a black pedo! Im tired of always seeing white pedos!
–1 vote
Dec 21, 2021
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,391 points
you must be an asian faggot monkey with a small pecker XDXDXD
Sussy Baka The Boss 28,483 points
At least I'm proud and shameless about it unlike your bitch ass Malaysian bangkok
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,391 points
ahahahaha Im sure your dad is proud to have a son like u XDXD
booyaa325 Beginner 235 points
sand niggers and niggers just hide it cus theirs less surveillance, less people with smart phones  or even phones with cameras so its way easier to get away with but the fucking sand niggers tried to come to the white mans land and now we have fuckin roaming rape gangs and it just goes to show the truth of the matter is that the fucking niggers and sand niggers and spooks and chinks all of them are fucking worse than any white could ever be google how many muslum churches fun anti-human trafficking groups i bet theirs fucking none but all of them are funded by white christens trying to make the world a better place from this nigger savagery
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,391 points
Muslims are the worst!
Real_Misanthrope Veteran 11,836 points
Who the fuck invited a pedo to a girls birthday party?
+3 votes
Dec 21, 2021
I'm Argentinian Experienced 462 points
+1 vote
Dec 21, 2021
Terrible Well-Known 960 points
why so save with the Guy Pedo must Hängin up
+1 vote
Dec 22, 2021
Serralis Overlord 6,822 points
Pedophiles ruins children career
+2 votes
Nov 20, 2022
fuckthelife Hacker 80,689 points
PorkNBeans aka gjmojo67 hey nigger perving again around kids you pedo enjoy your Beating lol
0 votes
Mar 25, 2023
NiggerHaterDeluxe2.0 15 points
even the kids got in on the beating. nice
0 votes
Jun 14, 2023
Sukuna Famous 4,494 points
I like pedos actually fuck society
0 votes
Sep 14, 2024