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Loud Nigger KO'd In Train


7,865 views Apr 12, 2023

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fuckthelife Hacker 80,675 points
EUfagStomper the Romanian Dirty Gypsy thief just got the Biggest Head butt ever haahahaha
0 votes
Apr 12, 2023
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,520 points
Baldy man was a police officer that took no shit from the muzzie who was resisting arrest. A proper copper, not one of those soy infused diversity types that would have held his hand as he detonated his bomb or got all stabby for peace.
+5 votes
Apr 12, 2023
fuckthelife Hacker 80,675 points
any  cop that head butts stinking Romanians are great cops
Fuckingidiot Experienced 339 points
You fucking islamaphobic piece of shit the man was a Romanian you dick licking pussy.
unbothered66 Overlord 4,908 points
GOT DAMN we need that about a million more like him in the America,  so tired of all these crazy mother fuckers getting away with murder and rape,  etc.  cops can't do shit like the old days when these mongoloids would go missing
+2 votes
Apr 12, 2023
Knight Templar Overlord 6,045 points
got? Learn English
NebuJlN Veteran 14,208 points
One typo, and one misplaced pronoun. Shit happens...
unbothered66 Overlord 4,908 points
STFU retard,  I know what the fuck I wrote what are you pussy boys the grammar police,  what are you 12???/ Does your cock sucking whore of a mother know you're up this late fingering your asshole watching your sister sleep you pos.
Stillborn Addicted 1,803 points
The headbutt is the best attack hands down I might have a headache but you won't see it coming
+3 votes
Apr 12, 2023
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,520 points
Yup I busted a guy's nose with a headbutt one time. Didn't stop him coming at me though, gave him a left hand straight which knocked him down, he lost a few teeth and chewed the end of his tongue off in the process. Next morning I was arrested for assault occasioning GBH. I claimed self defence but for some reason the police thought the headbutt was excessive, he had a knife so yeah wtf. Ended up as my word against his with not enough evidence to prosecute. He high tailed out of town whilst I was locked up, when I was released on bail I was talk of the town with all the girls that this guy had treated like shit, one was like aw I felt so sorry for you seing you in handcuffs being taken away....
Stillborn Addicted 1,803 points
Shit fuck that guy, I only have ever gotten to headbutt my drunk cousin for spitting in my face while I was trying to calm him down, lucky for me it was a family event so no cops but now he's learned not to fucking spit in my face he also stopped drinking around me lol
Spamton G. Spamton Natural Addict 8,885 points
this reminds me a lot of the video one nigga vs 2 chad friends,Good memories will never go back like this
+1 vote
Apr 12, 2023
Guvnor The Boss 28,285 points
No arguing, boom Glasgow kiss, thats the way..
+1 vote
Apr 12, 2023
English Neo Nazi Intermediate 1,237 points
Good Job
+1 vote
Apr 12, 2023
NebuJlN Veteran 14,208 points
One of the golden Classics. Mini-Mohammed got what his big mouth wanted.
+1 vote
Apr 13, 2023
FuckAllWhiteFools Overlord 4,886 points
@unbothered66. Get a grip boy.
0 votes
Apr 13, 2023
Rebel_Man Beginner 114 points
I wish every major newspaper in the country would have at least one story daily that began "Loud Nigger KO'd..." and then tell the story of why that particular one was KO'd. I'd get interested in the news media again, maybe.
0 votes
Apr 26, 2023
Yoyomart Well-Known 869 points
I think I felt that impact
0 votes
Apr 27, 2023
The_Jerk Addicted 1,633 points
This video was very enlightening for me. I always saw head butts in movies and thought it wasn't realistic, I thought it would hurt you as much as the person you're head butting. What I didn't realize is that it's not supposed to be forehead to forehead like in the movies... It's forehead to NOSE! You can hear the snap of that guy's nose breaking!
0 votes
May 28, 2023
Faggot Hunter Intermediate 1,369 points
Funny video as always!
+1 vote
Jun 6, 2023
Gay Anal Fisting Advanced 2,457 points