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LiveGore is a reality news website which reports on real life events which are of the interest to the public. Includes videos relating to true crime that have been taken from across the world. Due to the graphic nature of materials found on Live Gore, access is restricted to adults only(18+). !!Please leave this website if you under that age!!

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The fact you actually wrote that is diabolical and neo-nazi,natsco same fucking shit but yes yiu also deserve death
"not so silly afterwards" I-i-im-m-m-m-m s-s-sorry s-s-silly f-f-fella (shitting my pants, looks like the good guy just had enough!!!)
LMAOOOO said the faggot porn addict, and not neo nazi, but natsoc. Owww, i deserve death?! what did i do now?
And you aint scaring anyone with that stickman ahh body u have there
You also deserve death death bc u were a neo- nazi smd
You are a gut wrenching fucking flea, a fucking scumbag and the world would be so much better without such repulsive shitty quadrupeds like you
Idgaf if you like girls too you are still half a faggot and yes you deserve death "just" for that and if i could i swear to god i would strangle you with a bike chain and see you taking 5 minutes of agony to die
and im not even that much on here i avtually have something that u prob dont know of A LIFE
look i will tell in a way that ur lil brain can understand i like both (boys and girls) so that doesnt make a totall faggot and i should go kms jst bc of that?And nah im not sad im jst on a another level