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Gun Range Suicide Compilation
Gun rage compilation.

Source : fb
58,063 views Mar 10, 2022

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Kellwig Omega 17,413 points
I hope they found peace.
+3 votes
Mar 10, 2022
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,108 points
@Egg Nope ! I’ve read too many NDE stories of people who’ve died and ended up coming back to tell their experiences in the afterlife, they almost always tell about people who were there who committed suicide and that they will have to reincarnate to do it over again. Bottom line is nobody escapes the wheel of reincarnation unless they have accepted the free gift of salvation offered by only one name in the entire universe! That name is Christ Jesus, the living God.of this universe.
Kellwig Omega 17,413 points
Nobody has the answers my man. Not even people who claim to have NDE’s . If it’s not your time, it’s not your time. There’s a philosophy called Pascal’s wager which is essentially a gamble on whether or not there is an afterlife. It’s more beneficial to believe in one just merely because there’s a chance it’s real. I am Christian. I do believe in an afterlife and so on, but I’m not all that interested in the ludicrous restrictions of the religion. God will forgive me for my wrong doings. If not, and he does not exist, at least I tried.
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,108 points
@Egg Dude you’re all over the place , I think you misread what I was saying…. Early Christianity actually taught reincarnation , after all the messiah was God incarnate so why is it so difficult to believe in reincarnation? The Bible makes some vague references and the Vatican has over 40 books under lock and key that only a handful of people will ever see ! There is so much we don’t know it insane ! What I do know is the Catholic Church invented the false doctrine of eternal burning torture for sinners , this isn’t only absurd for a creator to torture his creation for eternity fir mistakes made in this very short lifetime in this 3rd dimension. I can give you many many many examples and even physical evidence of reincarnation, stories from very young children who still remember their last life and names/addresses/Etc, of people they knew, Etc, Etc all proven and all substantiated…. You believe what you believe, I’ll believe what I know in my gut is true
While I do appreciate this spiritual venture in this depraved site for the morbidly curious, do you guys not feel ashamed for glaring hypocrisy you commit and promote all the while uttering sentiments and knowledge of the divine? I do appreciate the discourse like I said, it's refreshing to see. But really, Egg your comments are blatantly sadistic at times and well, the name of the othe gentleman is unnecessarily inflammatory. Perhaps with your beliefs it's time you started purging yourselves. Hell is real, it is where we go to suffer in order to cleanse the evil in our souls. And yes, we remain in the cycle for as long as we repeat the mistake of going against our god given intuition which we tend to repress due to the prevalence of the deadly sins. Forgiveness is always there but Creator will not walk your path for you. The road to hell is broad and wide, but the path to heaven is narrow and thin. Of course the journey never is a straight path. Everything is okay in the end. But Creator did not give us conscience only for us to fall even further because we let Satan rule us. And Satan is no Boogeyman but the name for our darkness, we are both Satan and Creator in that we have both good and evil within us. Knowledge infers responsibility, responsibility is either taken or neglected. That is why the ignorant are blessed. Intelligence is a gift to be used for the betterment of this world, not to satisfy your egoic needs to measure yourself in a contest about who's the smartest, best or most special. Unity is the name of the game.

Now being morbidly curious is natural. Death is fascinating. But let's not take pleasure in the suffering of others. There are few greater sins than this. If you're Christian or believe in a creator, perhaps stop bullshitting so blatantly.
Kellwig Omega 17,413 points
Sounds like this man has his gamble firmly set on an afterlife. Good man!
Kellwig Omega 17,413 points
But also the fact this man is criticising me for this is strange. Do you acknowledge your own hypocrisy? You’re on this site as well. You must have seen quite a few of my comments to conclude that maybe I’m not such a good person. How many videos have you seen? And why? For education purposes? Nobody is on this gore site for anything other than satisfaction of their own curiosity. Don’t judge me for saying the things you think about in the silence of your empty mind. Hypocrite.
You're all a bunch of autistic retards coping either about having a shit life or fulfilling morbid curiosity by watching this shit. The interactions I see on this site are fucking cringe and deranged, with hints of real humanity. Also all you clowns chatting shit about reincarnation and Jesus are deluded, why the fuck in a near infinite universe would our perception of any God or purpose be correct. You will die, and if your lucky your brain will be intact, so you can enjoy whatever 2-6 minutes of post-death brain activity you get. Who knows, your brain releases dopamine, seratonin, everything, whilst also controlling your perception of time. Probably just what you perceive to be a long, trippy and fucked up dream until its nothing. You really think you're coming back as something? Accept reality.
CPS (pedo hunter) Experienced 315 points view on death is that after you die you can feel yourself rot and be eaten my maggots and still feel the pain especially after a headshot you'll get an excruciating headache just can't say it
Kellwig Omega 17,413 points
Nah I don’t agree with that view. For one, when doctors perform surgery under anaesthetic, your nerves become numb to pain. When you die, your brain is completely shut off, meaning there’s no possible way for you to perceive pain in a conventional sense.
So you can rest assured that you won't be aware of your physical self after death. At least in a conventional understanding.
We may continue exist as disembodied energy. There is a lot about this universe that we do not understand.
CPS (pedo hunter) Experienced 315 points
Yeah but to some otherworldly reason you can still feel pain but we still can't have views on death because no one has lived to tell the tale but my first view on death was you just see black and don't hear anything ,no reincarnation,no spectating like a damn PUBG player ,just black....
Kellwig Omega 17,413 points
LMAO the PUBG spectator XD . Yeah, I guess we gotta wait and see. No spoilers
CPS (pedo hunter) Experienced 315 points
Yup I guess we should wait
UniversalRedguard 7 points
Miloud Intermediate 1,148 points
Lol oh my goodness
+1 vote
Mar 10, 2022
Kellwig Omega 17,413 points
Why no go to hell forever and burning?
chancho The Boss 28,898 points
it's like when you're looking down from a tall building. you want to jump. death calls us
0 votes
Mar 10, 2022
JC Denton
they just have shitty aim
+1 vote
Mar 10, 2022
Guvnor The Boss 28,427 points
Fucked up! great clips, thanks for posting.
+1 vote
Mar 11, 2022
sharkme Advanced 2,899 points
1:53, lol guy shot the instructor thru himself.
+2 votes
Mar 11, 2022
Natural Addict 8,457 points
Can't help but feel bad man.
–3 votes
Mar 22, 2022
YourLocalFemboy Famous 4,405 points
this really looks like a pretty fast and one of the pain less ways to die. I’d like to kill myself like that too but in my country u can’t just buy guns nor go in such a place without a weapon license T^T
+1 vote
Mar 22, 2022
The Non Smoker Advanced 2,350 points
Well, life is pretty sad, tbh
It doesn't matter which gender, sexual orientation, etc you are, sometimes it gets abominable
YourLocalFemboy Famous 4,405 points
yup unfortunately
UniversalRedguard 7 points
Yup when I decide to get a gun that's how I'm gonna do it
Eris Boreas Greyrat Overlord 4,791 points
First of all i think they need 2 people assisting the ones who shooting 1 to check the aim or analysis the target 2 the one whos in charge of stopping the gun in case of emergency like this.
+1 vote
Apr 1, 2022
human garbage Beginner 247 points
0 votes
Nov 9, 2022
Just open a suicide booth with a clean up fee and let them do it safely.
0 votes
Nov 10, 2022
That Nazi boi Beginner 195 points
Tbh these are pretty satisfying to watch
0 votes
Feb 9, 2023
shithead3 23 points
suicide/self mutilation is my new favorite category
0 votes
Apr 11, 2023
This is what happens when whites wake up and realize they aint shit.
+1 vote
Apr 26, 2023
ificouldfly Well-Known 936 points
No. I really wish i didnt see this vid. That looks great its prolly best way to go(in a country like mine) I know about gun race suicides but when i watched this complication it made it look so easy like wtf. I jeed to do that asap. God help me
0 votes
Jul 22, 2023
Deeeesensitized Experienced 251 points
Perfection and might I add that tune was made for this video because pure videos deserve pure tunes.
0 votes
May 29, 2024
PeterGeraldScully Beginner 200 points
Love the music edits just arent the same without great tunes like OBJIMY
0 votes
Nov 13, 2024
UniversalRedguard 7 points
Real boss shit, I hope they are in paradise now
0 votes
Mar 6
Yucky Lord Paramount 457,658 points