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Black woman brutally attacks white woman at Little Caesars (Full Video)
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23,398 views Mar 5, 2022

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FkDTrump Well-Known 989 points
Just niggers being niggers
+16 votes
Mar 5, 2022
Just like yo momma being white trash
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
a weirdo nigger and Trump hating pussy Two peas in a pod.

Go suck each other’s cocks now you dick sucking fags or lick each other’s butthole. Yeah you qweer. Enjoy every second of it.
Flirtnwthdisaster1 Beginner 112 points
Its sickening people like you still exist you are the reason america cant move forward from that stupid racial bullshit but i would like to point out that this guy that made this comment is not a donald trump supporter he mire than likely voted for Biden and the Democratic party is the real racist party in america yet they are the party that the majority of black voters in America support even though the Democratic party is the party that fought to keep slavery , killed lincoln , jfk and Dr Martin Luther King Jr, the Democratic party created the jim crow laws and the KKK and they also campaign on racial division even now anyone who disagrees with the left in america is called a racist no matter what their skin color is. Also they support defunding the police which has lead to skyrocketing murder and crime rates in mostly black communities. Black people in America need to wake up to this. White people arent your enemies. Unfortunately there will always be a couple idiots in a crowd but that by no means represents the majority of whites actually ive heard more black people in my life say cracker or honkey white bread than ive ever heard whites refer to blacks as nigger i hear blacks call each other that all the time yet they act like its the end of the world if someone else says it and they act as though it was every white person that said it if one person did. That's just stupid. Its because black people still teach their children to feel like they are still victims if things that admittedly did happen before but are by no means the norm these days so they grow up with a victim mentality or feeling like the world owes them something. How many know that it wasnt just whites that owned slaves the natives did too and black peoples African ancestors are who sold your other ancestors into slavery sometimes as many as 40 individuals for the price of a single umbrella. Or how many know that slavery by no means has disappeared from the world there are currently 18.4 million people in slavery right now i. India the highest amount globally yet the lowest numbers in the world of people in slavery including sex trafficking which yes is slavery. But the united states has the lowest number of people in the world of any country for people in Slavery and black people act like they have it so bad when they dont. Did you know that you have more freedom in The united states than you would have anywhere else in the world or that before the united states existed there was no such thing as a constitutional democracy and every other country before the united states was ruled by a dictator or a single person that had absolute power over its people. The united states is unique from all other nations in hist6 and you should feel blessed to call yourself an American black white brown or yellow it doesn't matter we are all americans from the united states of america how can we call ourselves the united states when everyone continues to try to create division?
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
i have a tattoo of a penis on my dick
Go suck some more nigger cock you nigger loving faggot. Go kill yourself. You’ll find more nigger cocks in hell than anywhere else. Imagine loving the race that would rape your mother and sister. Fucking bozo ass bitch. All retarded people sounded the same, “Love each other this, respect each other that.” Shut the fuck up and go die in a hole with the rest of the despicable, unlovable, useless, pieces of scum that are black and brown people. Fucking monkeys
Proof that the demonrat party are the real racists. The worst ones are Joesama bin Lyin' and his most obedient junkyard dog named Adolf Newsom. Of all the people I've witnessed getting violently dragged off buses, trains and aircrafts for not wearing face diapers, the vast majority have been either black or Latino. Not surprisingly, the vast majority of the enforcers doing the racist beatings have been white Biden voters. But it gets worse. The vast majority of people permanently put out of work by Adolf Newsom's draconian lockdown were again either black or brown. The woke left pretends to support "black-owned businesses" but it's those same businesses that were disproportionately raided by Adolf Newsom's lockdown enforcement strike teams.
Misanthrope86 Experienced 295 points
Wrong place to be posting this. Nothing but trolls on here. And fuck niggers.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
Just like dumb racist being a dumb white racist.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
This is THE PLACE to post it! For all you klansmen some good shit; and fuck ALL racist;evil ass fuckers.
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
Spade says what?
AssholDikSquire Famous 3,261 points
You are trying to hard to establish dominance, by imposing the straw man that I’m trying to be a big and bad keyboard warrior. Right now you are projecting your own bullshit ass delusions.

“Tough guy huh?” Is the type of shit you’d say in a bar, right before getting decked on the bridge of your now broken nose.

Tell me that’s some shit you say corny ass faggot lol I just know it
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
Yeah buddy!
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
I must interject; the fine, distinguished gentlemen who brought slaves throughout out the world were raping the shit out of slave women for hundreds of years home. Spare the raggedy speeches.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
Preach that shit!
Lucifah Famous 3,745 points
But white babies are premium and black babies come a dime a dozen.
@FkDTrump. And whites being whites, getting their stupid asses beaten.
sharkme Advanced 2,901 points
Damn, wish we knew the backstory to this
+5 votes
Mar 5, 2022
Observer Extreme Poster 651 points
For what I remember, the white chick called the black chick a ni##3r.
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,840 points
a what? Nigger?
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
The typical expression used by white trash with a limited vocabulary capacity and evilness inside them. Nothing new as you well know.
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,840 points
Trigger the Nigger
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
How about suck a has a better ring to it. Don't you think?
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,840 points
It sounds like low IQ actions.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
Again with the IQ shit?
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,840 points
Well, you started the IQ debate, not me...
Kellwig Omega 17,415 points
Bro freeze frame on her panties, and tell me she doesn’t have the thickest bush you’ve ever seen?
+5 votes
Mar 5, 2022
She's got a nice think hairy coot.
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,570 points
No not bush shes wearing an incontinences pad
Kellwig Omega 17,415 points
Those are 100% pubes sticking out the sides there Kellwng
StinkyPussy69 Addicted 2,025 points
Shut up you dumb nigger, Egg, the Egg nigger fag who pretends to be a bunch of different niggers.
CuriousGirlZee Well-Known 774 points
If you read the real story you will find out she deserved it but just not that excessive.
+7 votes
Mar 5, 2022
sharkme Advanced 2,901 points
link ?
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,570 points
doesn't mater blacks are animals
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
We are all animals; you too.
istanbul Intermediate 1,281 points
If possible, they will welcome black people on the red carpet in Turkey.
Being black is enough for you to be famous in Turkey.
+6 votes
Mar 5, 2022
i left Famous 3,987 points
fuck you and fuck every single Turkic country
Mind your fucking business white ppl. Fuck white trash
+6 votes
Mar 5, 2022
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,336 points
Your name explains it all, butthole!
Billknight Extreme Poster 617 points
That Karen has one big hairy pussy
+5 votes
Mar 5, 2022
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,570 points
Blacks are animals
+8 votes
Mar 5, 2022
03NatSoc1488 Beginner 181 points
Defiantly not humans
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,570 points
true to that
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
We are all animals; you as well.Get over yoursellf.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
Gete over yourself and get an education.Blacks are human buddy. True,she went into beast mode but if you have ever been in a fight, you would understand.
6-6A6Y Experienced 406 points
That's what she get's!!!!! For having a nigger baby!!!!!! FUCK THAT NIGGER BABY!!!!!!!
+8 votes
Mar 5, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
If you really mean that you are as evil and vile as fuck ;babies are innocent fool. You are lower than the so called nigger you hate so much.
diedinjuly Veteran 11,683 points
saw this before. that bitch had it coming
+8 votes
Mar 5, 2022
I hate niggers
Get that gorilla back in the cage where it belongs.
+6 votes
Mar 5, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
Only after she finishes beating that dumb ass hoe.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
I wonder is your user name sitting on a plaque at your job?
BlackLiesMatter Beginner 216 points
She'll never eat pizza the same
+7 votes
Mar 5, 2022
FkDTrump Well-Known 989 points
I fucking hate nigglets! I hope all Stinky nigglets will die! I missing KU KLUX KLAN so much! KKK were the best!! I will join KKK if they will ever recreat the club! I will kill nigglets with such joy! They all stink like piss and shit!!!
+6 votes
Mar 5, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
You are as dumb and as evil as a human can get. To want to kill babies is the lowest,most dispicable shit of all times. Look in the mirror,take a bow and congratulate yourself. In order to join the Klan you gotta be an American; based upon your shitty as grammar you ain't America-if you are American you must be a retarded dumb fucker.
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,181 points
Fuck you, and you brown mom. I will join KKK even if i am not American, idiot. All the whites all around thw world can kill nigglets
chancho The Boss 28,952 points
it's biology. every gene in your body wants you to jump and kill people from another race. we evolved to do just that. it's taxing having to fight millions of years of evolution trying to remain civilized
+7 votes
Mar 6, 2022
LulzyEmpath Extreme Poster 500 points
Higher testosterone+ lower IQ + "da white manz is da devil" is not a very good combination
+4 votes
Mar 11, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
What the fuck is your IQ?
Of course the mainstream media will never talk about this because it's an obese black woman beating an average-sized white woman, not the other way around.
+5 votes
Mar 11, 2022
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,570 points
this is why blacks should be segregated again, they had it right in the past, they were controlled.
+3 votes
Apr 6, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
Oh boy, your pipe dream is as impotent as it can be. Ain't gonna happen buddy.
angelstar Advanced 2,669 points
wut da hecc did dis girl do2deserv dis
+4 votes
Apr 29, 2022
rockie Beginner 119 points
White bitch probably deserved it (no i am not being racist)
+5 votes
May 2, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,914 points
I am sure she may deserved an ass kicking but they was too much.
I love fat white trailer trash bitches like the white woman in this video. Fat white trailer trash bitches are the future of our country and our best hope of defeating Joesama bin Lyin' in 2024. Go to literally any rural area in the USA and you're guaranteed to see women like this. Most of them are huge Trump supporters, eat southern barbecue for dinner every night, are addicted to meth, and attend NASCAR races. I used to date one of those women until she died of an opioid overdose in her early 20s.
+5 votes
May 17, 2022