there was once one retard who had some shit car and he was drunk, some friend of a friend or something. i didnt know him directly. so he bragging that his shit bucket is better and faster than my 20000eur race-spec car. he was drunk as shit, so i was hoping he's gonna crash. we did a drag race on some abandoned road, obviously i left him far in the dust and i turned into small parking lot that was in the end, he had no sense where he was even going, he flew straight into the trees and bushes at like 120-140kmh (that's best his shit bucket was capable of). he fell out of the car as he didn't have seatbelt either. he survived and as soon as he regained consciousness in hospital, he started posting pictures of his fucked up hand and chest, he had a tube in his chest, becuase he damaged his throat and couldn't breathe through his throat, so they put a tube in his chest. he didn't learn anything from it, he was proud of it. it seemed like it was like a rollercoaster ride for him.