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Swine industry
3,725 views Nov 1, 2024

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RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,881 points
Fucking awesome!! I’d love to be the guy who catches and stabs the pigs
+2 votes
Nov 1, 2024
NakedLunch Addicted 2,102 points
Because you're a fag.
RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,881 points
Well roll me up and smoke me bitch lmao!!
RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,881 points
I mean who doesn’t love bacon! Fags that’s who, the real legit faggots. Someone has to do the dirty bloody job!
NakedLunch Addicted 2,102 points
Only repressed people and faggots get pleasure from killing animals in a sadistic way. I have always eaten meat and my grandfather has always had farm animals. I saw my first pig dismembered at 5 years old. The difference is that you don't have to make them suffer: you kill them with a sharp blow and that's it.
RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,881 points
Well exactly, the dude hit the main artery. Pig is dead in less than 30seconds. It only looks bad because of all the blood. Plus the pigs twitching, but they are already dead at that point. It’s low tech 3rd world shit dude. It’s the best they can do
NakedLunch Addicted 2,102 points
I know man, i know, even though it is a third world country, here where I live, already 50-60 years ago pigs were killed with a shot in the head with a kind of gun with a cylinder that penetrated the brain and the animal died instantly. That of bleeding animals to death is a stupid Muslim thing.
RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,881 points
You’re thinking of the piston pistol. Definitely a lot less blood loss using that. But then you got to hang them and bleed them out anyways. But already they are completely dead at that point
psychopathcentral Beginner 212 points
I hope you get skinned and your intestines ripped out one day.
WelcomeToHell2 Experienced 422 points
Sounds like your uncles passed you around..
RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,881 points
Lmao!! You don’t even know what I look like and you want me dressed like I’m a fuckin deer!?! That’s quite the escalation from talking about killing animals the fastest way lmao
lueboguy 1 point
NakedLunch Addicted 2,102 points
Yes, that pistol.
Ghost & König's Slut Advanced 2,723 points
Poor piggies... Oh well^^
+2 votes
Nov 1, 2024
Humachine Overlord 5,019 points
Pork is good, but not this good!
Please don't show what happens to cows, I love steak.. heheh
+2 votes
Nov 2, 2024
psychopathcentral Beginner 212 points
And these psychopaths run freely in society ... sickening.
0 votes
Nov 3, 2024
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 154,547 points