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Chinese Man Drowned in Car
Tragic! Don’t try to escape through a door. The pressure of the water outside the door will make it nearly impossible to open within a few seconds of impact with the water. Even if you do manage to open the door, it will cause the car to flood with water and sink more quickly.

More info : :~:text=Don't%20try%20to%20escape,water%20and%20sink%20more%20quickly.
14,016 views Oct 6, 2024

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the_SHIT_astral Addicted 1,637 points
Poor man, one of the worst ways to die
+3 votes
Oct 6, 2024
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Edit: i did some research and i its fake demonstration video of what not to do. And there is no girl in backseat. Its a fixed camera.

The texts in the video say :-

车内记录仪拍摄 无不良引导危险动作请勿模仿

Photographed by the in-car recorder. Please do not imitate dangerous actions with bad guidance.
Sickesthater Beginner 128 points
Why do asian women sound like babys? They even do that while they have sex and it's very creepy.
+1 vote
Oct 6, 2024
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,399 points
ikr! I dont get why our men are fleeing to these places where they look and sound like kids, its just sus and makes us look bad ffs lazy entitled bitch also just sat there
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
U sick mfs think about "women's voice during sex" in a tragic video like this.
Humachine Overlord 5,209 points
Lol.. it's strange, I know. @Shiva
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Edit: i did some research and i its fake demonstration video of what not to do. And there is no girl in backseat. Its a fixed camera.

The texts in the video say :-

车内记录仪拍摄 无不良引导危险动作请勿模仿

Photographed by the in-car recorder. Please do not imitate dangerous actions with bad guidance.
TurtleSquat 91 points
It's not a fake demonstration you fucking retard. There's no girl in the backseat either. She's clearly on the phone with him. Get your stupid faggot Pajeet ass off of this site and go fall of a train or something you stupid Hindu fuck.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Whotf are u dumb little christ cuck bitch ?
Subhuman retarded parasite. Its literally says "do not imitate" in the chinese texts. What does that mean ? Don't worry u filthy whore seed pigskin one day ur mind will evolve to understand stuff.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
Thank God my white ancestors never racemixed. We all have at least 4k ancestors, & those brown trash pieces of shit niggers still have shit colored skin & eyes. Stinky melanin maggots.

Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
LMAO the retard is back at it again. Nobody takes u seriously. Nobody cares about ur pigskin. Just stop talking to me u miserable whore seed.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points

Fuck you & your shit colored eyes. Pakistani/Afghans mog the fuck out of you brown shitskin jungle south Asians. You’re all jealous of anyone with white features.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Such grey/blue eyed indians exist too LMAO.
Even pakis wont agree with ur bs.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points

It’s over
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
I dont even need to use ai.

White aryan "men"

Indian men
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Albino niggers thinking pale = beautiful


JohnnieWalker Omega 18,261 points
It's sexy, they sound like anime girls.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points

BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points

We shit all over you niggers!! Stay jealous.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
He looks good to his cellmates in jail. They hope that he drops the soap.

Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
LMAO literally ? That nerd looking guy is the best u slav pigs have got ? LMAO
Are there even any real men in ur country ? Lol they look like faggots
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
They all look like they would rape her. & leave any brown girl for her

BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
Handsome skinny pale White Russian motherfucker. & I have very similar features. Stay jealous poopskin.

BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
коричневая кожа некрасиво
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Dude i m not lying but i m literally as fair as this nerd guy. And i m built because i do weight training. I would literally fold u in half. Nerd faggot.
And the girl is not even white. She looks like any indian city girl. Village girls are dark. Cirty girls are fair af. But village girls inspirt being dark are more pretty and modest.

India has every variety u slavs can imagine.
I would literally kill all u pigs just for her :-

BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
She is white you dumb piece of shit. She’s Slavic Polish.

Indian bitches wish they looked half as pretty they would slaughter her to look like that. The only pretty Indians are the white ones who are actually Afghan/Pakistan mixed with European like the green eyed on you just showed.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
Are the dark ones “modest” or more insecure to show their dark ass skin unlike pale ones? Pale girls love showing off their beauty & dress more provocative, who gives a fuck. Are they supposed to wear sari burkas?
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
U literally have got only 1 bitch and she literally is not even close to anyone of these goddesses. Keep lying to urself albino nigger.

All of them look like subhumans compared tothese goddesses :-

Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
"Afghan/paki mixed" Stupid albino nigger / lol ur not even albino ur not even pale white lol

All the indian girls and boys i showed are literally from SOUTH INDIA. Genetic study says there is indian gene spread from indian subcontinent  to west. Not the other way around. Lol these here are pure indians. Indians are dusky-fair skinned and there are even pales and darks. HAHAHAHHA

BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
Aishwarya is not your average Indian she is 1 in a billion. She’s either Pakistan/afghan or Iraqi. That 1 polish girl I posted shits on all of them & you said she wasn’t even white. She’s the average Slavic girl. I could go to the market & see 20 girls who look like her.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Lol girls like aishwarya exist are filled in india expecially in cities. And i dont even like her that much as compared to my queen here.
U havent posted a single pic of albino blonde actress lol ur posting the same brown girls who look indian.

BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points

Sexy pale little Slavic dolls. How the fuck are they brown. Idiot. Well the first one maybe should stay inside & lighten up a little bit, that wouldn’t hurt lol.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
None of them are even a bit close to all my fap material queens i posted here.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
Well you did call them fair brown so I doubt that.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
I literally posted 20-30 goddesses pics. Each one of them is 100000× hotter, feminine than this brown girl u posted.
Other than that the white girl u posted literally looks like a child so no attraction.
BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
She’s white Slavic. And she fake tans sometimes I guess. She’s not brown compared to most aryan blonde blue eyed pigskins. And those women you posted aren’t feminine at all except the green eyed Iraqi.

Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Not even close lol. U have just stuck to the same mixed looking average girl. While i have posted 20-30 goddesses.
Just tell me any one from my list defeated by her. NONE. Not even close

Here another supreme indian goddess.

Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points

Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
Every girl i posted is more feminine and beautiful, hot and cute than your masculine mixed looking girl.
Just look at the second pic u posted, she looks like a guy. A female should look cute,fragile, submissive doll  Like this :-

BrownShitSkinNigger Well-Known 868 points
They look like men.. in colored eye contacts.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
U need to check ur hormones if u think this cutie looks like a man. She literally looks like a golden doll.

And the one before with huge earrings looks so hot. She makes me wanna break my nofap streak. Also light brown eyes are very common. Both me and my brother have brown eyes, my sports teacher (guy), electrician, tea shop owner, one of my classmate, i spot many gray eyed people. We call them "cat eyed".

I called ur slavic girl manly because in the second pic she has a huge jawline.
NebuJlN Veteran 14,495 points
Go talk to a therapist.
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,399 points
@BrownShitSkinNigger bro that women u keep posting is a JEW! Google image search says she's Madison Beer, a full Jew... She dont represent us! These jews arent white ffs! she's a full Ashkenazi Jew you're simping after bro XD please stop unless your a zionist jew simp this whole time maybe?
Shiva Natural Addict 7,763 points
fake demonstration video of what not to do. And there is no girl in backseat. Its a fixed camera.

The texts in the video say :-

车内记录仪拍摄 无不良引导危险动作请勿模仿

Photographed by the in-car recorder. Please do not imitate dangerous actions with bad guidance.
+1 vote
Oct 6, 2024
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,399 points
im actually relieved for the chinky cunt if thats true cheers shitty Shiva
Saysumptin The Boss 33,293 points
Seats looked nice and clean
+1 vote
Oct 6, 2024
TurtleSquat 91 points
Roll down the window instead of kicking it you stupid fuck
0 votes
Oct 6, 2024
andy_baba Addicted 1,755 points
He chose to go down with the sinking ship
+2 votes
Oct 6, 2024
lambofgod Overlord 4,639 points
Hahaha indeed
Prometheus Beginner 120 points
Clearly he doesn't watch those short vids about how to survive in emergency situation.
0 votes
Oct 6, 2024
cacao Famous 3,955 points
luck like fake
0 votes
Oct 6, 2024
oniiibak Advanced 2,734 points
lmao dumbarse; roof toop fool! roof top!
0 votes
Oct 7, 2024
chico-sticks Addicted 2,100 points
I'd definitely feel what he felt in that situation but don't think I'd show it as much...
0 votes
Oct 7, 2024
CuriousGirlZee Well-Known 776 points
+2 votes
Oct 7, 2024
Yucky Lord Paramount 458,058 points