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LiveGore is a reality news website which reports on real life events which are of the interest to the public. Includes videos relating to true crime that have been taken from across the world. Due to the graphic nature of materials found on Live Gore, access is restricted to adults only(18+). !!Please leave this website if you under that age!!

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Absolutely repugnant Irish potato eater gets knocked out and kicked in the jaw

Babies in Ireland are not breastfed with milk, they are breastfed with whiskey, apparently.

That retard sure drank a whole bottle of bourbon before and after the (well deserved) beating.

He also was possibly an IRA terrorist planning to bomb a kindergarten in revenge for the millions starved to death by the British some 50 (or more) fucking years ago.

6,219 views Jul 9

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BaconKing_104 Veteran 10,108 points
ha! deserved! when i get drunk i act like an idiot and my social awkwardness almost completely vanishes but i don't turn into a fucking dick with others... the piece of shit deserved that brutal strike. if you know you become violent and harassing when drinking then don't do it in public you fuck head.... also why the fuck did the stupid slut scream so much? just shut the fuck up too bad he didnt power slap her aswell!
+1 vote
Jul 9
gorey_girl Extreme Poster 717 points
do u like to send life stories on here. I even saw you on the nazi vid lol
BaconKing_104 Veteran 10,108 points
nazi video....? anyways yeah i like it because it's full of morons and it's uncensored and it's one of the few places where i can be myself.
gorey_girl Extreme Poster 717 points
the nazi getting his jaw broken by the chinco video.
BaconKing_104 Veteran 10,108 points
oh yeah. i didn't share any personal story on that video tho.
gorey_girl Extreme Poster 717 points
well when i said like life story i meant like ur replies are very long lol
BaconKing_104 Veteran 10,108 points
oh okay
RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,178 points
Yeah but I enjoy reading them. Fucker cracks me up.
I can have some long ones myself(giggity) bacon tends to go on a rant at times but all his shit is fun to read. Him and I might not always agree on things but he’s a rational dude who can communicate. Or call bullshit out when it’s owed, and always has a rebuttal when people talk shit to him. Im the same way though. See there I go sending a mile long msg
BaconKing_104 Veteran 10,108 points
hahahaha thanks @RedNeckHawaiian you are one of my favorite users here. also tbh i don't remember having disagreements with you on anything xD we are pretty similar the only thing is that maybe i am a little more extreme but besides that i never ever read bullshit from any comment of yours
RedNeckHawaiian Omega 24,178 points
Back at ya brah!I that’s the best way to put it lmao!! Only thing we see different is the Ukraine vs Russia but I totally respect and understand your view on that issue
Nollyx97 Intermediate 1,066 points
He go for the kill! Don't get too close or you'll get K.O. faster than the heartbeat and game over.
0 votes
Jul 9
chancho The Boss 28,702 points
murphy's gonna be drinking his guinness through a straw for a while
+1 vote
Jul 9
yousirname Advanced 2,286 points
Been that close not a good idea
0 votes
Jul 9
chico-sticks Addicted 1,939 points
Both men lost it... one his mind... the other some of his teeth
0 votes
Jul 10
JohnnieWalker Veteran 14,355 points