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+81 votes


LiveGore is a reality news website which reports on real life events which are of the interest to the public. Includes videos relating to true crime that have been taken from across the world. Due to the graphic nature of materials found on Live Gore, access is restricted to adults only(18+). !!Please leave this website if you under that age!!

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Heartbreaking! Live-Streamed Suicide Of Young 4chan User - FULL 50 Minute Version

On March 14, 2018, an 18-year-old 4chan user who went by the handle 'Shuaiby' went on a livestream and shot himself in the head with a shotgun. Friends of his watching the stream tried to talk him out of it, with one friend crying and clearly terrified. They said to him "Please don't do it. Talk to us, we wanna help you." But Shuaiby was resistant and said that he only had 15 minutes until his family would arrive home. He holds up a note to the camera reading "Bye R9K, 3/14/18". He also pushes a note under his door along with a key. The note (which is difficult to make out) appeared to have said "I am dead. Don't let the kids see my body. Goodbye" He goes on to grab a shotgun and shows it to the camera. He cocks the shotgun, and while sitting on his bed puts the gun to his forehead, braces himself and fires. 

Moments later, his mother knocks on the door calling his name. Upon entering she screams in horror. She proceeds to call 911 and is heard frantic and crying while telling them what happened. Police and paramedics are then heard speaking with her and assessing what took place. 

*Found an obituary written by friends of his:

726,246 views Dec 25, 2021

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NobleSix789 Beginner 166 points
Heartbreaking?  Come on, this is heartwarming.
+42 votes
Dec 25, 2021
booyaa325 Beginner 239 points
this is the kind of shit that gets my cock hard one less simp pussy ass bitch who cant handle a lil bullying
NecroManiac Extreme Poster 551 points
@NobleSix789 true bro this shit was wholesome
NobleSix789 Beginner 166 points
@booyaa325 Give this man a well-deserved gold medal.
booyaa325 Beginner 239 points
^ appreciated ^ but for real though some people think there life's are so fucking hard grow up people have had it worse, some of us dont need to announce our traumas to everyone we meet for victim points thus why im a no-one online it's cus i like it
NecroManiac Extreme Poster 551 points
man spittin factssss......
booyaa325 Beginner 239 points
100% facts life is hard and if "you" (saying "you" as in anyone) cant take it take notes is all i got to say and with that i end my tirade XD
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,399 points
ahahahahah you should kill yourself. LOL "some of us dont need to announce our traumas to everyone" ... you literally just did, and to randomoes, on a gore site.

Your life sounds so shit that you have to come to a gore website to talk about your problems.

What's tragic and heartbreaking is the kid's mum finding his body and that's the thing, not his suicide, the fact his own mother was the one to find and see his blown open head, that's fucked. Wouldn't you find it messed up if your own mother found you that way? Unless your mother doesn't give 2 shits about u? Actually that probably explains it, no wonder you don't find it heartbreaking, since you know your own mother wouldn't if she found you like that. That must suck dude...

I doubt it's gonna get any better so you might as well end it bro. Good luck
booyaa325 Beginner 239 points
ohh ouch i might go do it now cus some stranger on the internet told me to kill myself waaaawaaawaaa hahahahah is this your first time on the internet lol the point i was making is a-lot worst goes on in the world than just this bitch getting bullied online and blowing his brains out, just for you lets just choose a different scenario than? what about the women who are forced into sex trafficking and manage to escape in-order to get there lifes back and live a normal life? are you saying that this kids life is harder than that? cus no i don't think this kid living in his parents house in Stockton, California, USA (btw it's one big gated community privileged much) with access to such a nice firearms like cant really be struggling all that much
InsaneAngel Well-Known 781 points
@FightForWhatsWhite Yep exactly. That's why I put 'heartbreaking' in the title... not because of the kid's death, it's his mother's reaction. The kid made a stupid fucked up decision, and I doubt his life was so bad that he needed to resort to this. I mean it's sad that he died, but I don't feel a whole lot of sympathy for him especially because he deliberately went on a live-stream to do it and traumatized his friends. He obviously wanted to be remembered/known for something and that was his fucked up way of immortalizing himself. It's obvious cause he kept asking to make sure someone was recording before he took himself out
FightForWhatsWhite Advanced 2,399 points
exactly bro. Booya dude seems like he's projecting. He's angry that he has a shitty life and is frustrated that someone else who had a shitty life took the easy way out, whilst he chooses to continue his shitty life. I feel sorry for the dude if what he says it's true.
booyaa325 Beginner 239 points
na just like i said im autistic and informational dumps is what autistic are good at and its not projecting I'm saying exactly what happened to me hahahah but i had a shitty life and i was making the point that you can come from a shitty place and still make your adult life better cus you have the options to choose your own path and where you come from dose not dictate where you will end up at like what would be the point of boasting about my current situation in life when none of that matters im doing well enough to own my own place and car good enough for me, but i was just making a point that u can come from a fucked up life an still choose to survive and people like this are weak
What autism does to a mf...
booyaa325 Beginner 239 points
The blood is on the hands of Adolf Newsom and his county public health Nazis. Those stupid fucking Nazi tyrant assholes drove this kid to suicide with their brutal authoritarianism over a Chinese virus with a 99% survival rate. Fuck Adolf Newsom and his county public health Nazis and their supporters!!!
Adolf Newsom and his county public health Nazis would love to see this video.
Deletedelete Intermediate 1,190 points
Hahahahahahaah I fucking knew you were autistic! Fucking weirdo. Venting to people who don’t give a fuck about you on a gore site. You probably watch My Little Pony like all the other autistic retards lmao. Ps: fuck Donald Trump )
booyaa325 Beginner 239 points
i love how your keeping tabs on me makes me feel loved. wanna suckle on the tip of my cock ill even let u play in the baby gravy
Deletedelete Intermediate 1,190 points
So you DO watch My Little Pony you autistic retard hahahaha. Go ahead and write another long ass novel response retard
booyaa325 Beginner 239 points
what ever u say XD copying you bahahahahaha your just proving how stupid u are over and over again XD but take ur "win" and go back to sniffing kids like uncle joe biden
Deletedelete Intermediate 1,190 points
President Biden to you RETARD hahahahahahahahah. Autistic pathetic piece of shit lmaooo
Deletedelete Intermediate 1,190 points
I shouldn’t say that. Maybe you could get a job at your local McDonald’s at some point in your life. They hire high functioning retards like yourself. As long as you have a connection I’m sure they’d hire you!!! Hahahaha
booyaa325 Beginner 239 points
well thanks for telling me u work at mc shithole like the useless human waste you are but uve become boring and really this has devolved into high school insults and honestly its sad that you cant formulate something outside of that but take ur "win" and go back to sniffing your glue like uncle joe sniffs kids
cLOUDx 0 points
I didn't even watch the video. The fucking love story in the comments motivated me after reading the heart retching tale of an autistic man to make an account and say this. Yall niggas weird
PsychoHebrewRemover卐 Famous 3,632 points
nice troll
Trump is the best president ever! Biden cheated! And of course the worst part about the Biden/Harris junta is their model for the whole country is the North Korea of the western hemisphere ruled by Adolf Newsom.
Suiko4444 Extreme Poster 707 points
Monkey, you sound fucking retarted with your stupid little vents that no one gives 2 flying fucks about. Maybe you should fucking touch grass for the first time in your life, and then you would have a valid opinion, fucking cummy faggot
ZiaQueen505WSL03 Extreme Poster 657 points
Why dont u do it to yourself then? Weirdo
ZiaQueen505WSL03 Extreme Poster 657 points
Why dont u do it to yourself then? Weirdo. Your not making your life better as an adult. Look at the shit ur saying. Ur autistic ass is trash.
Hey,it'sCaleb! Extreme Poster 510 points
Damn man, that's sad. I think that stuff affected you a lot more than you realize, based off what I read here. I really don't know how much the autism plays into your unhealthy levels of bitterness and hateful disposition, but either way it just sucks to see. Not really completely your fault, assuming you were telling the truth. But come on, typing out long comments judging other peoples' pain and measuring it to yours like it's a contest is not only lame, but not something a "strong* person would do. Take a step back and look at yourself, you're being *that guy.* Not here to disrespect you, I can't judge you when I know nothing about your life or  what kind of pain you experience. But just maybe think about extending that same respect to other people whose inner life you know nothing about. It's cool and all that you're getting some support for your comment, but don't let it turn into an echo chamber here. A lot of these commenters aren't exactly salt-of-the-Earth people, they're incapable of telling you that treating pain like a dick-measuring contest is far from cool. Dislike me all you want, I'm just telling you how you come across because I don't think you'd like what I see. You're free to reply to me, if at all, as you wish. It might be asking a lot to think that you really listened to any of this, so it is what it is. Just a friend
TrollPope Experienced 270 points
shizsawocksipping 8 points
"snort snort"
Jahsehgaulden 0 points
I can tell ur fat neckbeard retarded have 2 eyes going different direction u insecure waste of a man u have ur mother who beats u everyday for the beast you are and u project ur insecurities on ppl who have killed themsleves i wouldve told you to kys but ur not even worthy of a casket and a funeral so  ur purpose in life is to better other ppls lives u ogre
nannasqw Experienced 302 points
nannasqw Experienced 302 points
horror_kills666 14 points
i mean, yea can't lie it's the truth!
sleepee._ 82 points
why the fuck is it 45 minutes though.
xxSunsetMightyxx 2 points
Nazi guy
NaziSlayer 2 points
I want you to suffer so fucking much o my god cut your throat o my god i want you to die
NaziSlayer 2 points
Yeah this autistic want you dead
xxSunsetMightyxx 2 points
Lmao, and the fact that your name is NaziSlayer makes it 100x times better
Manwithnothingtolose 0 points
I’m going to suicide is there a way easier than a gun since I can’t get a gun in the uk lol
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,697 points
BluEvil666 Experienced 393 points
Nice! This is a classic suicide, Angel. I remember this from 4chan too. There were also losers encouraging him to do it. He had such a nice tactical shotgun too, not cheap. Must have saved awhile for it.
+36 votes
Dec 25, 2021
InsaneAngel Well-Known 781 points
For fuck's sake. People were encouraging him to kill himself? This is why I fucking hate people tbh. Too many sick evil fucks. Hearing the mom's screams and cries was just awful. I can't imagine the shock and pain she was in. Losing your child to suicide has to be one of the worst things that could befall anybody.
BluEvil666 Experienced 393 points
Yeah, if you know anything about 4chan that's totally expected. Some of the biggest degenerates live on 4chan. I mean, if anyone on this site was to live stream a suicide I'm positive many would encourage it too.

It really is sad. At least even at his darkest point he was conscientious enough to leave a note/key, lock the door, and put a tarp up. I'd never encourage anyone to commit suicide, depression is a motherfucker. But, I can't say I dislike seeing it. Not sure what that says about me.
InsaneAngel Well-Known 781 points
Ah, yeah. I never used 4chan so I'm not too aware of what went on there but I've heard a LOT of bad things about that site. Sounds like a nasty fucking cesspool of sub-humans.

Well... I'm the same way, for me there's some kind of therapeutic effect seeing people kill themselves. Probably because it makes me see suicide from a 3rd person perspective and see the devastation and trauma it causes to those left behind. I mean fuck- this video would honestly be a great way to deter someone from offing them self. The mom in the video is how your loved ones would react when they found you dead. But then again... some people kill themselves as a final, huge "FUCK YOU". Ronnie McNutt was a perfect example. I could tell the dude was angry as hell and frustrated and had had enough
Filthy casual
They can't be worst then some in this site, there's literally dudes worshipping gore in here
BluEvil666 Experienced 393 points
You're one of the only sane/decent persons on here, Angel. I agree with everything you said. It's cathartic. When you're completely numb, gore is a good feeling. Not good but, it's a limbo of enjoying extreme gore and having empathetic feelings. Or being empathetic. Because you're human! Idk.
Adolf Newsom and his county public health Nazis would not give a crap if they saw this video. They don't care how many people they drive to suicide with their virus Naziism.
Hey,it'sCaleb! Extreme Poster 510 points
I agree, my brother hung himself some years ago, probably too lost in the moment to consider the effect it would have. My sister attempted it recently, and I was surprised by how much rage I felt that she could do that, after going through what we did. I guess it speaks to the power of pain and hopelessness. I have some colorful siblings, that's a whole other thing. But I must be wired a little different, I see life as a pizza- even if it's kinda bad, it's there so might as well finish it. Better than nothing
nannasqw Experienced 302 points
InsaneAngel Well-Known 781 points
Damn I'm sorry that you lost your brother that way, and that's so sad that your sister attempted but at least she's alive. It's true about the siblings being "wired" differently thing. Out of my 3 siblings, I'm the only one who suffers from severe mental illness, to the point I've been in a psych ward, have come very close to killing myself, and have to constantly be medicated. Not to say my siblings don't have their own issues as well, but I really got the shit end of the stick when it comes to brain chemistry. Sucks
Hades6733 29 points
Wow guys it's honestly really nice to see there's some decent people here. Respect to you guys for real.
InsaneAngel Well-Known 781 points
@Hades6733 Yeah thankfully not all of us are vile degenerates & we actually feel empathy
Sussy Baka The Boss 28,532 points
Anime posters... Now i can see why
+33 votes
Dec 25, 2021
Sorcerer King Addicted 1,736 points
bruh your name is literally sussy baka
booyaa325 Beginner 239 points
and yours is lgbtq hater and what your point? are you an under developed fetus ? your name is just as cringe, listen i dont like sussy hes a dirty sand nigger but fuck u lol
whats YOUR point dude
booyaa325 Beginner 239 points
pretty much the same as his XD to show him how stupid of a comment his was bahahah it was obvious and the fact that u didn't see that makes it even more funny also i just like to start shit on here what are you going to do about it anonymous lol too scared to make an account? typical bitch online willing to say shit when they know it has 0 consequences but in real life ur a bitch so sit back down and shut up like a good lil kiddy
im too lazy to change to the browser im signed in on
booyaa325 Beginner 239 points
yeah exactly what i though bitch stfu
HoneyNutExplodeos 71 points
fagger king, Are you too fucking autistic to realize it's an ironic name? holy shit, stupid nigger.
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,114 points
With all the obvious fake PLANdemic going on. Mask mandates, fake vaccines, the lies and deceit coming from government, the stolen election, people have had it !
+29 votes
Dec 25, 2021
booyaa325 Beginner 239 points
man u must be deep in the propaganda to think this has anything to do with covid XD
JEWS R SEWAGE Addicted 2,114 points
<a href='../user/booyaa325'>@booyaa325
Covid and all the BS lockdowns, Etc have made people give up, what is so difficult about that to understand idiot ?
diedinjuly Veteran 11,710 points
what a bitch. we out here raw dogging life that fucks us up every fucking day. gtfo with that weak shit.
+35 votes
Dec 25, 2021
Life Sucks, get over it
+36 votes
Dec 25, 2021
El búho Extreme Poster 648 points
From what I see he liked anime
+30 votes
Dec 26, 2021
GreenieGene Beginner 134 points
People who say that is annoying
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,697 points
Cry me a river greenie
I'm Argentinian Experienced 464 points
this is truly a classic, and also with a sad story smh, goddamn reddit
+29 votes
Dec 26, 2021
HateforAll4547 Beginner 138 points
Listening to this whiny cunt who wouldn't blow their head off
+32 votes
Dec 27, 2021
GreenieGene Beginner 134 points
He wasn't whining lmfao it was one of his friends he wanted to talk to his friend before his mom came
Butt-Head The Boss 28,918 points
Lol her dumb fuckin face when she realized people were watching :p and that faggot crying was soo cringe bro. Lol fuckin queerbait powerbottom.
+26 votes
Dec 27, 2021
PSYCOMANIA 63 points
Fuck Muslim people
+31 votes
Dec 27, 2021
InsaneAngel Well-Known 781 points
Race has literally nothing to do with this at all. People need to stop with all the fuckin racism
booyaa325 Beginner 239 points
fuck off ya diry sand nigger if you want less racism than move the fuck out make your own community's stop invading ours
InsaneAngel Well-Known 781 points
@booyaa325 "Dirty sand nigger"? Lmao nice insult. I'm White you stupid autistic fuck
PieceOfShit 15 points
ayo wtf man
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,697 points
@InsaneAngel what are you going to do if i racism doesn't stop?
HauntedWay564 86 points
Like watching paint dry,  nothing after he shot himself, very disappointing,
+30 votes
Dec 28, 2021
GreenieGene Beginner 134 points
Its boring until you know the back story
BubbleGoo Extreme Poster 689 points
Girl says she'll help, but won't give pussy. Smh.
+30 votes
Dec 28, 2021
Do it pussy!
+28 votes
Dec 29, 2021
kim jong Experienced 300 points
silly attention seeking cunt deserved it. if you listen closely he said at one moment, "is it recording?" "is anyone recording?". honestly a little fuck. real depression is shit, but not attention seeking.
+36 votes
Dec 30, 2021
GreenieGene Beginner 134 points
I finally found it!
+33 votes
Dec 30, 2021
danielll Famous 3,060 points
its pretty sad if you know what actually happened and what caused him to do this.
+30 votes
Jan 16, 2022
b3eje 11 points
maybe because he ruined his life by being gay
The gachatuberかわいい Beginner 188 points
U say this won't tell the fucking story wtf made him do it
chancho The Boss 28,962 points
everybody in r9k eventually kills himself, but they don't do livestream. shame.
+31 votes
Jan 21, 2022
zzzz Beginner 189 points
everyone in r9k should strive to be like him
6-6A6Y Experienced 408 points
+28 votes
Mar 5, 2022
My dick just got so fucking hard watching this shit
+27 votes
Mar 8, 2022
GreenieGene Beginner 134 points
Go see a doctor
PieceOfShit 15 points
disgusting degenerate
Inx 78 points
Inx 78 points
Agree,see a doctor...(╬◣д◢)
BaconKing_104 Veteran 12,697 points
I love livegore degenerates
Inx 78 points
My bad, haha.
InsaneAngel Well-Known 781 points