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Cartel victim asks boss to shoot him rather than cut off his head


43,698 views Mar 29

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CrackHead Intermediate 1,014 points
Last Wish Granted, See you in another life
+3 votes
Mar 29
afrikanachr Well-Known 811 points
bro had enough of his shit
+3 votes
Mar 29
SlickDick Advanced 2,251 points
I mean dude got lucky they gave in
+1 vote
Mar 29
Bfotv Advanced 2,439 points
stolen police car or all police sucking off the cartel?
+1 vote
Mar 30
Bfotv Advanced 2,439 points
I would say it's almost emotional
0 votes
Mar 30
ElTeporopo Addicted 1,906 points
A cartel member with a heart.
+2 votes
May 5
Serialkill4 Addicted 1,778 points
not for long
95sosa Beginner 102 points
Nice guy! Granted him a smooth death. Good karma will come
0 votes
May 9
Secretlurker 25 points
Would've been pretty brutal if they went with the machete. What makes this sadder is from what I understand they know each other. he may have been an informant.
+1 vote
May 21
BaconKing_104 Veteran 10,108 points
Literally he would have had more chances to win the lottery.
0 votes
Jul 29
signgiverbrother 16 points
This to those people who have already committed grave sins and believe they are destined for hell ..

know that your salvation is still possible
if you submit your will to Allah / God

the moment you become a Muslim
all of your past sins are forgiven ..

Watch the videos over YouTube over below topics

they already possess millions of views
no clickbait but actual logical talks

"Dr Zakir Naik Scientifically & Logically Proves to an Atheist the Existence of Hell & Heaven"

"Is the Qur'an God's Word? by Dr Zakir Naik | Full Lecture "


if you decide to be a Muslim but you think to hurt a few people before that
know that is wrong

that moment you decide then stop for good

say the Shahada and all your past is forgiven

you can't commit such crimes after Shahada too

of course the law of the land will chase you n your enemies but Allah / God will forgive you ..

the past will be ..

afterwards have faith , do good and invite others to do good for heaven .

leave the place of past .. to save yourself from enemies and more sins .

it will bring you peace .the real one
0 votes
Aug 8
TWIXSTEN 76 points
Why did they not cut his head off? All men are pigs, they deserve to suffer
0 votes
Aug 11