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Houthis shot down American MQ9 drone

Death to America 

Death to Israel

God is greatest 

3,079 views Feb 19

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BigWhiteWolf Famous 4,236 points
Death to jews
+1 vote
Feb 19
KMDisciples67 The Boss 35,906 points
These fools are always so hyped and what the fuck do you really have against America? I'm curious as to how America has effected you in a real way
0 votes
Feb 19
marineskiller Famous 4,039 points
You need some lectures of history
KMDisciples67 The Boss 35,906 points
No I don't but that's what Im saying how has it effected you personally not people in the past
marineskiller Famous 4,039 points
I'm not individualistic like you, everyone with same ideology of mine is part of me his/her problems are mine also
KMDisciples67 The Boss 35,906 points
Ohhhhh I see what your saying you like to make others problems your own because you yourself don't have any
KMDisciples67 The Boss 35,906 points
I really don't care you hate America bro I'm just fuckin with you for the most part I just don't get why because even if America was gone nothing would change where ever your at
marineskiller Famous 4,039 points
It's fun innit ?
KMDisciples67 The Boss 35,906 points
Fuckin A
marineskiller Famous 4,039 points
Individuals are part of society if you don't take actions someone else will do and rule you
204NoContent Intermediate 1,046 points
America's military spending doubles Iran's GDP. Good luck.
+1 vote
Feb 19
marineskiller Famous 4,039 points
It doesn't mean shit when shitload of countries against you.... Rome is collapsing sweetheart
204NoContent Intermediate 1,046 points
marineskiller Famous 4,039 points
That's most disgusting gif anyone can send
204NoContent Intermediate 1,046 points
204NoContent Intermediate 1,046 points
Btw I still haven't seen you dumping your gay CP on my discord server
marineskiller Famous 4,039 points
You disgusting piece of cum you like children getting raped ?
marineskiller Famous 4,039 points
Go wear your furry costume maybe you can deceive children with it
marineskiller Famous 4,039 points
Btw i know where you live you Irish pale bitch
204NoContent Intermediate 1,046 points
"You disgusting piece of cum" lol that's a new one
You promised CP (gay I presume) and still haven't delivered. Also, where do I live?
marineskiller Famous 4,039 points
I didn't got permission to send videos in the group irish boy ... also your friend was so racist to me that i cried all the night
204NoContent Intermediate 1,046 points
marineskiller Famous 4,039 points
Lol what fuck is this
204NoContent Intermediate 1,046 points
A Kurd. His name is Mohammed Khanaqin, and he has a message for Joe Bydn.
marineskiller Famous 4,039 points
Hahaha. .. i missed so much by deleting tik tok
❀ ᑕᑌ丅ᗴ ᗰᗩᖇᎥᗩ ❀ Overlord 5,926 points
Nice shot
+1 vote
Feb 20
marineskiller Famous 4,039 points