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LiveGore is a reality news website which reports on real life events which are of the interest to the public. Includes videos relating to true crime that have been taken from across the world. Due to the graphic nature of materials found on Live Gore, access is restricted to adults only(18+). !!Please leave this website if you under that age!!

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Young Man Murdered After Resisting A Robbery in Bogotá

In the early hours of Friday, October 13, a tragic event occurred in the country's capital. A 33-year-old man, identified as Jhon Rico González, was murdered in front of his romantic partner after trying to avoid being assaulted when they were leaving the movies.

The events took place in the El Ensueño neighborhood of Ciudad Bolívar , more precisely on Calle 63 Sur and 64, towards the south of Bogotá, where initially the girlfriend of the deceased victim was intercepted by two men who were moving in a motorcycle.


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In the middle of the assault, the man confronted the criminals to resist , then he tried to escape with the woman, however, they did not take into account that a second motorcycle with two other alleged criminals on board was right behind them and caught up with them. .

2,669 views Oct 15, 2023

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yousirname Advanced 2,308 points
what the **** he was thinking one versus 4 .........with guns......
+1 vote
Oct 15, 2023
Dobry69 Veteran 14,152 points
your belongings are not worth your life
0 votes
Oct 16, 2023
SonozakiEcsed The Boss 48,723 points
I don't know what the boy expected to happen...
0 votes
Oct 16, 2023
Antiheroin Veteran 11,652 points
That seems like a lot of work and a shit ton of heat for whatever the fuck this guy had in his pockets, which probably wasn't a whole lot.
0 votes
Oct 16, 2023
CuriousGirlZee Extreme Poster 740 points
As a girl, trust me guys, risking your lives unnecessarily does nothing.  But if you don't we won't give you couchie.   But rest assured, we WILL be with a new guy next week and you will be dead, buried, and forgotten by me and everyone else and i now dont have to feel guilty or being blamed for cheating.  Facts.
0 votes
Oct 16, 2023
Yucky Lord Paramount 450,408 points