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LiveGore is a reality news website which reports on real life events which are of the interest to the public. Includes videos relating to true crime that have been taken from across the world. Due to the graphic nature of materials found on Live Gore, access is restricted to adults only(18+). !!Please leave this website if you under that age!!

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man kills his cheating whore and her lover after he caught them having sex

•The woman’s name is Fiorela Lizeth Diaz, she was previously married to the murderer. She found out that her ex husband, Elmer Lucano Llanos, was stalking her, and proceeded to set up CCTV cameras in her home. On July 17th, 2021, he broke into their home while they were in the middle of intercourse in a fit of rage, proceeding to stab at both Diaz and her lover, Jorge Malca, injuring the man and brutally murdering Diaz. She was stabbed up to 40 times, dying on the scene (a medical examiner saying she bled to death, her life seen slipping away seconds from the ending of the video).

•Llanos was later arrested and given life for femicide, having to pay 1M soles (which is around $275,000 USD) to the family of Diaz, and 13 added years for attempted homicide on Malca and ordered to pay $30,000 soles (around $8,600 USD) to the man. He was also forbidden for life to see his children. If that wasn’t enough, the state also added an extra six years to Llanos’ sentence as well as a charge of $1,000 soles ($30 USD) for disobeying the state.

•He is currently serving his life sentence in the El Milagro de Trujillo prison. I will provide a link, though all of it is in Spanish. If you see in the video, he gets the blade lodged in her ribs, forcing her to scream.

97,587 views Oct 13, 2023

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Dobry69ImSorryMods Extreme Poster 640 points
she can't even bend properly XDDDD
+1 vote
Oct 14, 2023
MrTellfer Addicted 1,929 points
Respect ! Do you know how hard it is to stab through all those layers of fat ?
+3 votes
Oct 14, 2023
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,351 points
Natural Addict 8,476 points
+2 votes
Oct 14, 2023
Antiheroin Veteran 11,820 points
Gross.  I wouldn't kill over that flabby thing.  Then again, I would never marry such a disgusting behemoth in the first place.
+2 votes
Oct 14, 2023
nightriderkit Experienced 313 points
From pleasure to pain in a millisecond.....Looks like hubby stabbed her once for each time the BF banged her crotch.....
+3 votes
Oct 14, 2023
Natural Addict 8,476 points
Haha that pussy boy ran out on that whore and left her to die on her own
+1 vote
Oct 14, 2023
Untitled2469 Well-Known 773 points
Ah, so that's how fat people do it. Good to know.
+1 vote
Oct 14, 2023
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,351 points
free live sex
+2 votes
Oct 14, 2023
Tiamat Extreme Poster 595 points
La Libertad, Perú.- El distrito de Guadalupe, fue testigo del macabro asesinato de Fiorela Liseth Díaz, de 32 años, una mujer que fue víctima de su experaje sentimental, quien al encontrarla teniendo relaciones con un hombre, la apuñaló en 39 ocasiones hasta quitarle la vida.

Según medios locales, el asesinato ocurrió la tarde del 17 de julio, cuando la expareja de Fiorela, identificado como Elmer Lucano, de 33 años de edad, llegó a la vivienda de la víctima e ingresó a ella con total sigilo.

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Según se observa en el video de una cámara de seguridad, Elmer ingresa a la habitación de la mujer y al encontrarla en pleno acto sexual con otro hombre, se lanza contra ellos para apuñalarlos; el hombre alcanza a huir mientras que la mujer quedó indefensa ante su verdugo.

El hombre que estaba con Fiorela alcanzó a ir a la empresa de la víctima, que es un reconocido establecimiento de producción de pollo, para pedir auxilio; al llegar los trabajadores al lugar de los hechos ya era demasiado tarde, la mujer ya había fallecido.

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El asesino logró escapar del lugar en una moto, pero gracias a la pronta denuncia y el actuar de la policía fue capturado; una vez detenido confesó lo ocurrido.

“Llegué a mi casa y la encontré con otro hombre. No sé, me nuble y la ataque. Estoy arrepentido, mis hijos se quedan solos”, dijo la ex pareja de Fiorela, quien se encuentra detenido y el crimen está bajo investigación.

Las primeras hipótesis arrojan que fue un asesinato planeado y se investiga si el presunto feminicida recibió ayuda de alguien para ingresar a la vivienda de la víctima ya que las chapas fueron cambiadas una semana atrás y él ingresó a la misma sin mucho esfuerzo.
+2 votes
Oct 14, 2023
ElTeporopo Addicted 1,944 points
Pobre ruca, le llovieron las puñaladas. Bueno, de perdido se fue contenta.
BloodOnRedRoses 26 points
Dont even know why'd you'd be with that fat whore
+3 votes
Oct 14, 2023
Kolumbiara Extreme Poster 572 points
poor guy
+3 votes
Oct 14, 2023
Jeiloverde 10 points
haha damn bitch I would have killed the idiot first so she could have sex with the corpse while he tortured her with painful but not fatal cuts then he burned her alive and I fed them to her The dogs
+3 votes
Oct 31, 2023
ElTeporopo Addicted 1,944 points
Human pincushion for sure. The earthworms will have a good feast!
0 votes
Nov 13, 2023
aqualung Veteran 10,887 points
R.I.P. ham planet
0 votes
Dec 2, 2023
aqualung Veteran 10,887 points
Nasty slag fafo.
0 votes
Jan 5, 2024
The gachatuberかわいい Beginner 188 points
Lol hahahaadga
+3 votes
Mar 6, 2024
FKmohamed Experienced 295 points
I heard that she died from high cholesterol
0 votes
May 15, 2024
angelicaaaatheasian Beginner 171 points
good job guy
0 votes
Jun 30, 2024
Mango 21 points
Can’t trust nobody…her man really just left her like that lol
0 votes
Jul 4, 2024
Mewol Beginner 191 points
She was bad at doggy
0 votes
Mar 6
WhiteCrow High Lord 300,351 points