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Woman Crushed After Lying In Front Of Bus

The driver ran over the head of the poor fellow and left the scene. The man was quickly arrested. He told the police that he did not see the woman and did not feel the moment of the collision.

7,618 views Aug 17, 2023

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YoumuWTF Famous 3,922 points
Typical Russian Bitch!
+2 votes
Aug 17, 2023
BCullari Advanced 2,694 points
Bus driver was sipping vodka and didn't even notice.
+2 votes
Aug 17, 2023
FarmerFred2023 Natural Addict 7,651 points
Lying down in front of a bus is called a "suicidal Karen" here in 'merica.
+1 vote
Aug 17, 2023
NiggersAreScum Famous 3,433 points
thats kinda fucked up if the driver gets charged coz of some suicidal bitch
+2 votes
Aug 18, 2023
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,732 points
he was supposed to mind the road he's driving on, though... it ain't as though the bus was going at a high speed or anything either...
NiggersAreScum Famous 3,433 points
are you kidding? have some suicidal cunt run in front of you while you are driving and then tell me you feel the same way. the very nature of someone suicidal is that they are attempting to kill themselves. how the fuck are you supposed to be held accountable for that?
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,732 points
I'd say, as a human being, it's our responsibility to help them... Even if it's a faint possibility. And if they really wanna' off themselves, there's no shortage of vehicles. It doesn't have to be my car. We need to remember that nobody's perfect.
NiggersAreScum Famous 3,433 points
I agree, if someone is suicidal, do whatever you can to help them. But if someone literally throws themselves right in front a 30 ton bus, what are you supposed to do? There is a very good chance the driver didn't actually see her because of his raised driving position, and she went under the wheels. I think it's unfair for him to be prosecuted because she chose to use his vehicle as her method of suicide is all
aDArthVINvad3r Veteran 11,732 points
I dunno, mate... I just don't buy his "I didn't see her" crap... it ain't as though she teleported herself in front of that bus... She was literally running towards the bus... Any average human with functioning eyes would likely be able to spot her silhouette in their peripheral vision.
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,455 points
Looked more like she didn't even notice the bus
+2 votes
Aug 18, 2023
chancho The Boss 28,764 points
see? when you want out, it's easy. stop with slicing your wrists side to side, emo cunts
+1 vote
Aug 18, 2023
Antiheroin Veteran 11,724 points
I believe the driver. It looks like she was completely out of his field of view the way she ran in and dove under the tire.  He shouldn't be blamed for her suicide.  If it wasn't a suicide, he shouldn't be blamed for her stupidity.  Those busses are always bouncing around regardless, whether it's a bump on the road or squishing bitch skull.
+1 vote
Aug 18, 2023
NiggersAreScum Famous 3,433 points
ificouldfly Well-Known 926 points
0 votes
Aug 24, 2023
Tiamat Extreme Poster 585 points
true believer of zebra crosses lmfao "lord Saves im right in the zebra cross" !!!!
0 votes
Sep 26, 2023
pinbota Advanced 2,650 points
The bus driver was already late, he couldn't stop for minor things.
0 votes
Oct 29, 2024
Yucky Lord Paramount 453,682 points