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LiveGore is a reality news website which reports on real life events which are of the interest to the public. Includes videos relating to true crime that have been taken from across the world. Due to the graphic nature of materials found on Live Gore, access is restricted to adults only(18+). !!Please leave this website if you under that age!!

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9,158 views Aug 5, 2023

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guzzlemynuts Beginner 208 points
What flew off?
0 votes
Aug 5, 2023
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,520 points
His shoe
BCullari Advanced 2,696 points
Fat fuck probably caused an earth quake.
sad1sta Advanced 2,804 points
dude... don't jump on the grass, you risk getting fucked up but surviving :/
0 votes
Aug 5, 2023
FuckThisWebsite69 The Boss 37,814 points
It's not terribly likely, but I thought the same thing. A little over fifty years ago, Vesna Vulović fell out of the sky from thirty thousand feet and lived. Vulović was a flight attendant on JAT Yugoslav Airlines Flight Three-hundred sixty-seven. The plane started breaking up at thirty-three thousand feet and shattered around thirty thousand feet. She landed on a food cart after a thirty-thousand-foot freefall. Hahahaha Another skank in a different crash survived a twenty thousand-foot freefall and was basically uninjured due to snow. Obviously, those are exceedingly rare and lucky sluts.
YoumuWTF Famous 3,946 points
it lacks a concrete floor
+1 vote
Aug 5, 2023
HitlerisInnocent Advanced 2,648 points
No wonder i didn't enjoyed to video, there was no splat.
FarmerFred2023 Natural Addict 7,665 points
Credit to the cameraman for keeping it steady and being close by
0 votes
Aug 5, 2023
Antiheroin Veteran 11,748 points
Camera guy knew the assignment!  Not only did he not freak out like the women around him, he even let out a comical "Wooooooo" when they started falling,
0 votes
Aug 5, 2023
chancho The Boss 28,806 points
see? when you really want to end it, you can do it. not just play pretend cutting across your wrist, faggots
0 votes
Aug 5, 2023
udontknowme Famous 3,295 points
"wooh! "
0 votes
Aug 5, 2023
FuckThisWebsite69 The Boss 37,814 points
Eh, it's probably for the best, life sucks cock.
0 votes
Aug 6, 2023
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 154,624 points