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Tell me again how pitbulls are bad? Nothing but pure entertainment here


5,122 views Jun 12, 2023

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Bobby The Blade Overlord 5,839 points
Ahhhhahahahaha - stupid niggers trying to train animals with a higher IQ.
+1 vote
Jun 12, 2023
mudbutt Overlord 5,044 points
@Bobby The Blade .Pardon,what is your IQ?
ISIS&D.A.P Advanced 2,325 points
The FBI announced its involvement in this incident, and I am the chief investigator of this incident.
0 votes
Jun 12, 2023
MommaLeblanc 77 points
why can these people get goldfish or something
0 votes
Jun 13, 2023
thatoneguyMike06 Addicted 1,908 points
Watching a video of someone getting badly bitten by a dog is entertainment, apparently. Then again, I can't fully judge because I watch gore and violence too...
0 votes
Jun 13, 2023
the demon Intermediate 1,046 points
LOL props to the camera man for not laughing to hard and shaking the camera1
0 votes
Jun 15, 2023
Jesus kills niggers Extreme Poster 648 points
0 votes
Jun 15, 2023
Rebel_Man Beginner 114 points
So what's going on in this video? Does the city have a special park where you can take your dogs to have fun with a volunteer nigger chew toy? Do those niggers get paid or is it some type of "community service" ordered by the court or what? The dog handler is a nigger too though which makes this a confusing form of niggetry.
0 votes
Jun 16, 2023
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 150,277 points