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Russian soldier has leg and foot blown off by a drone bomb

Oh well.

10,886 views Mar 30, 2023

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Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
Poor little Ivan
+4 votes
Mar 30, 2023
I_am_innocent Omega 17,394 points
I am sure they were proud dying for Putin.
+3 votes
Mar 30, 2023
Troglodyte The Boss 25,461 points
A truely heroïcly heroïc hero of the Soviet Union---Pardonnez-moi !---Mother Russia . . .
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,572 points
Another mobik discovers the forlorn hope principle.
ME262 Advanced 2,501 points
Better than dying for Jewlensky.
Troglodyte The Boss 25,461 points
Tjaja, besser arm dran als Bein ab, sag' ich immer ...
+2 votes
Mar 30, 2023
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
Troglodyte The Boss 25,461 points
Sei der Sexta hege und pflege ich diesen Witz . . .   ;-)
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
Es ist eine gute deutsche Redewendung
EUfagStomper Famous 3,281 points
paint it black ukrainian hurensohn living in germany refugee ahahhahaha poor fag living in refugee country germany lmaaoooo soon ur mother will be knifed by syrian refugees ahhahaah i hope it
Paint_it_black_1234 Hacker 76,247 points
@EUfagStomper keep crying like a little bitch
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
yeah EUfaggot rapist cry's like a Baby chimp
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
russians are the dumbest cunts on earth serves them right for Being so lazy and retarded
+4 votes
Mar 30, 2023
Crimnt Famous 4,094 points
What's with the Russian soldiers all wearing the blue and white stripped shirts? They look like they're part of a tug boat crew lol.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
yeah I have noticed this as well I have no Idea why
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,572 points
Gotta feel sorry for the propaganda forced onto them by Putin so he can buy another yacht, they can't speak out against it.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
hopefully putin wont be alive to sail in his many yachts he has lol
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,572 points
Stripy shirt is a telnyashka usually worn by VDV troops, I think it's so you can identify the chunks of torso strewn over the battlefield easier. VDV tend to get obliterated fairly common now in Ukraine.  
EUfagStomper Famous 3,281 points
addelf hitlor how is british country going bro? how feels that indian is prime minister of ur trash brexit country ahahahah and this accent british have very ugly and funny autism country
EUfagStomper Famous 3,281 points
its very great adelf hitlor that you are starting to learn about russian army/life things good start u british fag will need it soon ahahha
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,572 points
EUfagStomper Famous 3,281 points
who cares bro whats ur point @adelf+hitlor
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
one more dirty Russian cunt down and wasted lol
Crimnt Famous 4,094 points
Why do I feel like this is a repost? Awesome video anyway. Where the alcoholic Russians to defend their fallen comrades in these here comments?
+4 votes
Mar 30, 2023
Adelf Hitlor Omega 22,572 points
All got mobilised and turned into mince.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
lol and lots of russian meat to share around
TruePatriot Experienced 365 points
Russia better start sending women and children. These guys suck.
+3 votes
Mar 31, 2023
EUfagStomper Famous 3,281 points
let them to rape ur mother so she can born more fighters bro
Crimnt Famous 4,094 points
They can't rape @EUfagStomper they're all impotent, and if some of the orcs should not be, they are usually fucking each other butts in the trenches. No lie, there's videos of Russian orcs on the battlefield....fucking....each others.....butts....
EUfagStomper Famous 3,281 points
@crimnt show proofs or fuck off u chicago nigger homeless
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
hahahaha I just knew the Russians are faggots fucking each others asses haaahahahaha
Crimnt Famous 4,094 points
@EUfagStomper Proof? Go back to the beginning of the war videos. You're a tinseltown moronic keyboard warrior. First, I'm not a nigger, for you to assume I'm black shows you have a mental disorder, second to assume I'm homeless and spend time on LiveGore? Are you thinking correctly or rationale? I think all the gore has warped your mind. You spend more time on this site than I do. Now I'm not talking about anyone else but you and it kinda shows you don't have much of a life. I'm not going to assume what you are or your living conditions cause I'm not a moron, nor a keyboard warrior. Also, being a keyboard warrior isn't going to help your cause of Russia winning. You must be so proud of a country where thousands of citizens don't want to fight so they leave. Glory to mother Russia huh? Nice people you got there. I'm also not assuming you're Russian cause again, I'm not of lower intelligence like you, I'm just saying. Honestly, I don't think you give a fuck about anything and you're just here to troll for amusement. You can care less who wins or loses, or how Russia has all 1s and 10s on a beauty scale.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,793 points
@Crimnt well said brother your 100% right
Phlegm Addicted 2,111 points
Why the fuck are they just laying there and why the fuck is the Ukrainian still dropping bombs when the guy literally has no legs and is in no condition to fight?
+1 vote
Apr 6, 2023