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Well, you should have heard better, stupid mutt . . .

8,806 views Feb 26, 2023

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Knight Templar Overlord 6,057 points
While the tiger is the largest felidae, the polar and grizzly bear still will kill them, so the canids win.
–2 votes
Feb 26, 2023
Troglodyte The Boss 25,461 points
chingchongvirus 71 points
are u sure
Troglodyte The Boss 25,461 points
My Irish Red Valkyrie I just showed didn't want to mess with a grown-up tiger, but at least with a female cougar . . .
Geneva2b 1 point
So because you feel that bears belong to the canine's. It apparently makes them a direct contender? Haha! Well i will be receiving my facts from you, from now on, jokes aside. Tigers have been recorded killing big male brown bears, and statistics say it is roughly a 50/50 on every battle to the death. That is interestingly remarkable, by method of ambush or fair fight. It is impressive nonetheless, if a predator of 1,400 lbs is capable of being taken down by a 400-600 lbs predator. That says a lot, one has remarkable fighting skills, the other doesn't. Feline's are known for their great combat skills, the Felidae family is remarkable in general, nothing short of nature's magnificent creations.
chingchongvirus 71 points
lol ur a nerd
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,012 points
@Geneva2b Don't mind this strange little man he suffers very serious mental illness. You have no idea how much I appreciate a comment like that on LiveGore where most comments consists of "haha fucking nigger". That was a great read.
chingchongvirus 71 points
Nah he’s cool. I was just teasing him a bit. I found it interesting and I actually asked quora about. Somebody on there is really obsessed with animals as well saying that there’s no way a tiger can beat a grizzly bear or a polar bear one on one. Even if it does a sneak attack. I have seen YouTube video of a sloth bear defending himself against tigers, and that bear was small. Seems to me a bigger bear would do better than the sloth bear
NebuJlN Veteran 14,495 points
You and your beloved dog again. Mind to share some of your private beastiality videos?
Geneva2b 1 point
TheDevilsAngel Master 103,916 points
Aww his a cute tiger!
0 votes
Feb 26, 2023
Troglodyte The Boss 25,461 points
BlackMuslimPoser187 16 points
Can you teach me how to hack dark web
Visiongzusionix Natural Addict 7,729 points
Elensky messes with the Siberian tiger.
–2 votes
Feb 26, 2023
BlackMuslimPoser187 16 points
Is animal abuse not allowed? Some niggas on a gore forum started bitching at me for posting animal shit saying it wasn’t legal
–1 vote
Feb 26, 2023
Mynameis -43 points
hahaha you scared of the internet police
sharkme Advanced 2,901 points
this isn't animal abuse but yah most sites dont' allow animal abuse / child abuse / suicide. Including here.
The Twisted One Well-Known 863 points
It may not be allowed here but it's still here.
BlackMuslimPoser187 16 points
No, I still posted and kept making accounts
NebuJlN Veteran 14,495 points
Do you understand the meaning of "abuse" at all?
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,012 points
Wish that happened to my neighbors dog who will not stop barking at night. Tigers are truly impressive beasts.
0 votes
Feb 27, 2023
chingchongvirus 71 points
Hahahah your neighbors dog is awesome!!! I hope he keeps barking!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Mynameis -43 points
You are a faggot, kill the dog yourself pussy!!!
chingchongvirus 71 points
he’s too scared!! hahaha your comment probably made him cry!
Mynameis -43 points
This @BrainDegeneracy crying like a little bitch about a dog barking, This cocksucker is such a whiny Karen lol
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,012 points
Keep barking, I love how you get triggered by everything/anything
chingchongvirus 71 points
He doesn’t sound too triggered , he was just calling you a Faggot, because all you do is whine instead of taking action LOL sounds like some constructive criticism to me HAHAHAHAHA
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,012 points
Yeah that's why he has -81 points. Once again the retard doesn't realize how stupid he sounds.
The Twisted One Well-Known 863 points
Don't waste your time with virus boy, he gets off by starting arguments for no reason. He's one of those people that are miserable in real life. He can't have a conversation without insulting people so that should tell you the amount of maturity he actually has.
chingchongvirus 71 points
What a dork!! Points!!?? HAHAHAHA You’re not even being sarcastic you’re being serious! LOL Who gives a fuck about points???? I’m glad I’m not you. I don’t know how you continue to live being so embarrassing
chingchongvirus 71 points
Speaking of starting arguments where did u come from I wasn’t even talking to u homo? LOL ofc I’m happy contrary to my argumentative style. That’s the obvious interpretation “wow he’s miserable” well I’m not but ur comeback will be “sure pal I don’t believe it” so what can I do? Lol just believe what u want I’m still going to be me…in fact since u complained I’m going to do it even MORE NOW LOL  yes ik the comeback to this too “wow ur really showing how mature u are” HAHA im gonna do it anyway
The Twisted One Well-Known 863 points
How original. I just don't understand you, you're always talking shit to people. Is it fun to you? Yeah, yeah, in this particular case I did start it. I'm talking about in general, why do you talk shit to people?
chingchongvirus 71 points
Only if they’re idiots like the other ones
The Twisted One Well-Known 863 points
How about a truce of sorts? I've got enough drama in real life, I'd rather just stay cool with everyone here. I mean, we can still shit talk to each other sometimes. LOL I came here to look at gore, not have beef with people.
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,012 points
"Only if they're idiots like the other ones" ROFL how do you even say that without throwing up at yourself. Sheesh
Retard can't even reconcile I'm talking about being in the minus on points, points don't matter but when everyone is downvoting you on a gore site maybe you're not really someone to be taken seriously. In other words he's just a troll, incapable of maturity and critical thinking. No one you should mind whatsoever.

"Argumentative style" makes you sound way more intellectual than you are and I'm laughing so hard. You say English is your first language but you still wrote "I'm superior intelligence to you". How is that possible? Still laughing and waiting for an explanation.

@Random_Asshole Oh, trust me, I enjoy exposing him. All I'm doing is feeding him a little attention and he does fascinating things.
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,012 points
@Random_Asshole Now you're being soft. Just laugh at him or ignore him.
The Twisted One Well-Known 863 points
Not soft, just don't need the drama. Although, I do enjoy watching others talk shit to each other. LOL I just really need to stop putting myself in the middle when the drama doesn't involve me. But sometimes I'm in a fucked up mood and look for drama.
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,012 points
Definitely soft and emotional brother, no offence but that's okay. It's the internet. If you're affected by opinions and actions of others when it's clear they do it for no other reason than get reactions then you are too sensitive. No offence meant whatsoever.

He is an absolute retard who thinks bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme. I'm honestly fascinated someone like him exists. He definitely isn't stupid and is capable of making higher cerebral connections but then behaves like he does. It's like he has serious mental illness but refuses to admit it to himself and can make these impossible mental self-deceptions about himself and others.
The Twisted One Well-Known 863 points
I don't know, these type of sites are filled with interesting people. You never know who you're going to talk to or how their personality is.
chingchongvirus 71 points
Bitcoin is definitely a ponzi. look at the bankers, hedge fund managers, warren buffet, Charlie munger that think it’s shit. Don’t give me that “ they’re older they don’t get it” “ they’re just saying that because crypto against what they believe in”—-you crypto idiots really think that Warren Buffett doesn’t get it?? He already has enough money. Besides he’s a Philanthropist he’s gonna give it all away when he’s dead. It’s not in his character to be deceiving UNLIKE TERRA LUNA, FTX, 3AC, CELSIUS ETC HAHAH
chingchongvirus 71 points
I wouldn’t call him soft for saying that, besides, I’m sure he can kick your ass in real life….actually in real life, who couldn’t kick your ass?? LOL
chingchongvirus 71 points
Yes I’m surperior in Intelligence in comparison to you, fag LOL basically using the voice text thing because I don’t feel like typing it all out. It’s gonna make mistakes. Stupid Faggot.
chingchongvirus 71 points
“Mental illness His deception about himself blah blah blah” HAHAH More cliché analysis lol Freud would be laughing at you if he saw you
chingchongvirus 71 points
Only if they’re idiots like the other ones…there I said it? I didn’t throw up, did you? Are you saying that a sentence can make you throw up that’s how weak you are HAHAHAHAHAH
chingchongvirus 71 points
“ points don’t matter, but when everyone…”— You just said it right their points don’t matter,only dorks care about it. And as far as the downvoting, there’s also people that downvote for no good reason, yeah, I’ve seen people with a normal comment get downvotes. So I’m not sure how reliable the minus thing is. Anyways, it shows me that you’re psychologically weak that you care about what others think HAHAHAHAH WEAK FAGGOT I wouldn’t give a fuck if I had -10,000,000. Just because everybody’s against you doesn’t mean shit.. hey, everybody was against Copernicus and he ended up being right HAHA
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,012 points
You can say "faggot" as much as you need bro, hope you feel better soon.

I mean, you make some fair points but you're like a hit or miss on pretty much everything you say. Wish you could be more consistent so I don't have to be disappointed when I expect intelligence from you.

Okay so it was voice text, fair enough.

You're not really superior though. Maybe you have more processing power as that is harder to prove/show for real so I'm not gonna claim anything out of insecurity, but I can confidently say you lack wisdom and self-awareness. Or you're just a psychopath/sociopath, you kind of give me those vibes. You think you're above everyone else so you give yourself the right to act outlandishly. Tell me I'm wrong, don't think you can. Because as much as you act superior, you do answer to logic and truth. We all do who respect intelligence, you can't deny that. Your ego will try, but your mind can't.

Lastly, the points don't matter but they can be used together with simple deduction. The guy is clearly trolling and being obnoxious in all his comments, he is getting constantly downvoted. It's pretty safe to say nobody takes him seriously, so why should I or anyone else for that matter. That's all.
chingchongvirus 71 points
I’m not psychotic….how about you?
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,012 points
Don't ask stupid questions, ask your self. The answer lies within.
chingchongvirus 71 points
Wait uhh I said I wasn’t psychotic and then I asked you.. Now you’re asking to “look within myself” to know if you’re a psychopath?? Well, I can’t know if you’re a psychopath. You just seem like a pretentious dork. Fascinated with gore, yes, but basically harmless lol
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,012 points
Don't think I really sound like a psychopath, though if I did I'm sure you'd be able to recognize yourself eh? Jokes.

Maybe I seem like a pretentious dork, you seem like an obnoxious egomaniac so there's that. Nobody is perfect. At least I recognize that, and am capable of being a much bigger person than you. There's no denying that.
Vagina Well-Known 970 points
I can't believe you fags get so into these feuds.  If you care to know, you're all equally shit.  So you can stop fighting and bond over being the lowest form of human together.
BrainDegeneracy Famous 3,012 points
I can't believe it either, but shit happens lmfao. It ain't that deep anyway.

And you're right in here with us all on the shit-being-scale, we should all bond over that but it's kind of sickening actually.
Vagina Well-Known 970 points
Using a gore website doesn't mean you're shit.  But in my opinion, we're all here because there's something wrong or abnormal about us.  It doesn't mean it's sinister or an indication that we're shit.  Your response is about the best I could hope to get.  I don't get into those lengthy arguments like many people here.  Whatever though, we have to waste out time doing something, have at it.
chingchongvirus 71 points
“Igetnovagina” Speak for urself buddy, I’m not shit I’m awesome. Ur the only fag that would put a naked chick (that u could never get) as ur pfp! HAHAHA I mean, if ur gonna do that, might as well put a chick u actually fucked…not a pic from internet LOL BUT u don’t have anyone for that do u? HAHAH
Vagina Well-Known 970 points

     You're not too bright because I didn't type you were shit.  In fact, I expressed the opposite.  Your low self-esteem is coming through strong.  Learn how to read and comprehend.  Miserable people love trying to tear people down. It's funny to the people who aren't miserable.  Try harder because your attempt to belittle me failed.  You just come across as a person with an exceptionally low intelligence quotient.
chingchongvirus 71 points
sharkme Advanced 2,901 points
"Your order has arrived"
This is like UberEats, but in the animal kingdom.
–1 vote
Feb 27, 2023
NebuJlN Veteran 14,495 points
Good one ;p dunno why people are voting you down. Its prolly a few lost and hated loners, who have nothing but a dog left.
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,825 points
When Uber eats shows up with someone else's delivery...
–5 votes
Feb 27, 2023
NebuJlN Veteran 14,495 points
I love this classic. No more "errr-woof" there xD Stupid dog didnt even run. Just opened its stupid mouth like most of them do, and got what it deserved.
0 votes
Feb 28, 2023
Vagina Well-Known 970 points
Not a very smart dog.
–1 vote
Mar 1, 2023
Mr. Magoo Famous 4,370 points
@Nigger slave owner.The reason that mandingo lusting homos like yourself do not own niggers is that slavery was abolished and reconized as evi and gayl.Next!!!!
+3 votes
Jun 9, 2023
mudbutt Overlord 5,052 points
@Mynameis.Wonder what it most be like to be tea baggin faggot with -75 points when down votes are not allowed.....keep those nuts on that chin.
+3 votes
Jun 9, 2023
Get that ass
+3 votes
Jun 24, 2023
udontknowme Famous 3,305 points
meow meow meow. we eating good in the hood
+1 vote
Aug 1, 2023