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Husky Female Silverback Beat White Boy

Apparently, he wanted to date her.

11,460 views Jan 28, 2023

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Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,556 points
Niggers need to be put back in their place, it was stupid for whites to allow them freedom
+5 votes
Jan 28, 2023
Zultannis 3 points
White people didn't allow them freedom... it was the secret societies ((of hybrids and Jews)) that alien shapeshifters/ or SKINWALKERS worked through that allowed them 'freedom', not white people... lol. No human being controls their own societies on this planet, and all civilization is imitation with few human elements from within... And we're all slaves/ or prisoners to this *alien* system. All gentile races are... "goyim". White people seem to be the most IGNORANT to this fact, as whites lack a great deal of occult foresight/ spiritual (masculine) intelligence. The white person's soul in itself is based upon the black sun/ female aspect ((YIN ENERGY... And not YANG))... which is the reason why white people are pushed off as being superior, when in reality they are not. White societies are DEVOID of any real spiritual/ or occult teachings. Knowledge will make a man unfit to be a slave, but OCCULT KNOWLEDGE AND POWER will destroy the lie of whites being superior and the **ILLUSION** that humanity actually lives within real human civilizations ((which we do not)). White people are really no different from blacks; Polar opposites... one is a nigger on the inside, and the other is a nigger on the out, but the only REAL BALANCE of female and masculine energies come from Asians and American Indians. No melanin = no masculine intelligence... too much melanin = no female intelligence. Neither is good, and whites and blacks ((both representing the MASONIC element/ the clown... MIME that is trapped in the BOX/ cube of Saturn)) are both clueless races, except ((as far as I'm concerned; Could be wrong though)) blacks aren't given any footing by our controllers, and that MIGHT be the ultimate difference between the two.
Mr. Poopybutthole Experienced 278 points
Fat shitty ass Negro ape
+4 votes
Jan 28, 2023
DirtyLilPickleBush Veteran 14,803 points
Even a poopy butthole probably smells better than her.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
lol they smell like no other animal on earth
Morfient Omega 16,258 points
He may have called her fat, but it's true...
+6 votes
Jan 28, 2023
DirtyLilPickleBush Veteran 14,803 points
+3 votes
Jan 28, 2023
Rumilov Well-Known 923 points
The US needs KKK back more than ever, the more brutal version hopefully
+5 votes
Jan 28, 2023
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
niggers doing what they know best no IQ there, should be sent back to the cotton fields
+2 votes
Jan 28, 2023
DirtyLilPickleBush Veteran 14,803 points
African Americans are considered the most intellectual black people compared to other black people from other countries.  This is funny because African Americans have an average intelligence quotient thirteen points less than all the other races combined in The United States of America.  Being as that's an average and there are so many races.  African Americans are much dumber than that number may imply to a person who isn't adept at mathmatics.    I really wish it wasn't so.  It's funny to watch one or two videos of an African American chimpapoloza at a Wal-Mart or chicken restaurant.  But they stop being funny really fast.  Then you're left annoyed and wishing you didn't have to put up with their bullshit.  I'm not kidding, I really wish black people would just put some effort into not being such loud violent criminals who can't control their primitive emotions.  You can't calm down an angry African American.  And it takes so little to set them off.  It's a drag on society.  People would stop disliking them if they didn't commit so much crime and disruption.  Plus, their inability to take responsibility for their own actions.  Or hold other black people accountable for their own actions is infuriating.  They always defend other African Americans blindly regardless of how in the wrong they were.  And of course, it's always a white person's fault.  That's a trait that's impossible to be okay with.  Well, for me anyways.  I only type for myself. Sadly, there are so many liberal criminal defending people sharing their vacuous thoughts on socal media in this declining country.  There's an inundation of weak minded followers who will do anything to not look racist.  It's a huge ass problem.  I can't wait for my last dog to die of old age.  When he dies, I'm joining him and my other dogs in nonexistence.  It's going to be peace at last.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
yes brother I know just how you feel and under stand as well the world really sucks with all what's going on it is mainly coursed be corrupt politicians and world leaders that allow people to ruin life and allow race mixing as well into the system nothing is safe any more.
chingchongvirus 69 points
U won’t feel peace in nonexistence
Zultannis 3 points
Conventional IQ tests are flawed... as long as humanity remains third eye blind/ or cut off from a high level of Gnosis or Samadhi, then conventional IQ tests will never be fair in measuring one's full-on IQ as certain races tie more into occult potential, or spiritual IQ/ or psychic IQ than other races do that seem to be more on the materialistic side. White people are **EXTREMELY** materialistic... most are skeptical in regard to anything that falls into the realm of the paranormal... And those conventional IQ tests are also brought to humanity through Freemasons... secret societies; To which alien shapeshifters/ or skinwalkers work through.  This planet isn't controlled by humans, and one's intelligence goes A LOT deeper than what we're being told by mainstream science ((which is compromised; The scientific community)).
Visiongzusionix Natural Addict 7,715 points
Adelf Hitlor's son before he was as used a sperm dumping body storage.
+4 votes
Jan 28, 2023
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
niggers and education don't mix
+2 votes
Jan 28, 2023
SandNiggerHunter Famous 3,566 points
What do they mix with? I suppose prison they are good at going to prison.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
yes that is true lol
Excision666 Well-Known 936 points
This cumskinned have a hard skull
+6 votes
Jan 29, 2023
DirtyLilPickleBush Veteran 14,803 points
Hahahahahaha Cumskinned, that's a new one to me!  I'll be using that in the future.
chingchongvirus 69 points
It’s lame. When I think of white I don’t think of cum, I think of pillows or clouds-ya know, “good things” but when I think of “blackish brown”—-welll….it’s just shit LOL
Zultannis 3 points
When I think of clouds... or pillows; I think of soft faggots. At least blacks and browns carry themselves with some form of swagger.
Melanie Martinez Experienced 406 points
ugh why are niggers always so mean for no reason
+3 votes
Jan 29, 2023
fuckthelife Hacker 80,737 points
it is in there nature eg apes and Baboons and primates and chimps
Zultannis 3 points
But how can you ((as a white man)) call blacks apes, when you guys grow the most body hair on the planet...? You can blame that trait from living in cold regions for thousands of years, sure, but that can be refuted with monkeys and apes living in warmer environments. They never lost their body hair... why is that...? lol White people also have thin lips too; Like chimpanzees... But I'm also not excusing black people for acting and looking like APES on some level either, because they do... they have their own chimp characteristics about them, but the reality is; Blacks and whites aren't so different in behavior. Polar opposites, I would say. Both races are completely clueless about the world they live in, and both races don't have much control over their emotions too; Unlike the Mongoloid races ((to which I'm a member of)). The Mongoloid races have the LEAST amount of body hair on the planet, compared to any other race... score higher IQs on conventional IQ tests ((which I don't believe are 100% legit anyways)), and we're also less prone to EMOTION too, so yeah... blacks and whites both make the world a pretty shitty place to live in, IMO... But I think blacks at least have some sort of clue to this, whereas white people don't... Or maybe it's the other way around...? And if that's the case, then I think it would be safe to call whites just another form of JEW, but that's my two cents there. And I don't care if anyone didn't ask for it either...
CivilizedIndividual 29 points
If he would've done that to her the.monkeys would be marching on that street.
+5 votes
Jan 30, 2023
Stillborn Addicted 1,807 points
Looks like we need more school shootings
+3 votes
Mar 9, 2023
English Neo Nazi Intermediate 1,245 points
Her rolls of fat would get in the way of her punches so she had to use a more convenient method
+4 votes
Apr 13, 2023
SwagMaster934 82 points
But if it was the opposite the boy would have got arrested.
+3 votes
Apr 13, 2023
Drippy666 23 points
mmm i want some mommy
+3 votes
Apr 30, 2023
DisperseMechanism Intermediate 1,353 points
White Power
+1 vote
Nov 14, 2023