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A Chinese woman was caught cheating


A Chinese woman was caught cheating, but her husband did nothing substantive
37,955 views Dec 31, 2022

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DelbertGrady The Boss 39,130 points
she got cream of sum yung guy on her egg roll
+1 vote
Dec 31, 2022
SCAV00442301 -1 points
SandNiggerHunter Famous 3,750 points
Who the fuck is the lover shouting at? He is looking almost at the ceiling so I'm going to guess there is a giant in the room or just a normal size person to non chinky
+2 votes
Dec 31, 2022
Visiongzusionix Natural Addict 7,737 points
He looks like a retarded.
TrollPope Experienced 270 points
SNIFF MY BUTTCRACK Overlord 6,132 points
It's time to revert women's right.
+2 votes
Dec 31, 2022
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
They look so small. She is even beating the guy who caught them lol. No wonder this noodle army always gets bruised ass treatment from Indian army at the borders. Quality >> Quantity. Indian army has them both.
–2 votes
Dec 31, 2022
NakedLunch Advanced 2,269 points
Indian army? Seriously??? Lmao
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Seriously what ?
Dumbfuck its 4th strongest military in the world.
Won 3 out of 4 wars with china and terror funding pakistan. If u had any knowledge regarding militarycand warfare u wouldn't ask that. Indian military created a whole new country bangladesh in 1971. Never invaded any country. And in that comment i was talking about the recent encounters between Indian and chinese at border. More than 300 chinese died last year went unreported under communist party of china. And now 2 weeks back again they got their ass bruised for trying to enter india.

India, Far better than immoral USA that couldn't contain afghanistani tribal people nor win over vietnam instead did so many war crimes. The real terror funding state USA.
NakedLunch Advanced 2,269 points
With the infrastructure you have, a few air raids would be enough and you would be knocked out.  China doesn't give a damn about invading you.  They are only interested in certain border areas and countries.  Anyway, calm down kid, change your underwear, I think they're dirty.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
U know don't a shit about warfare lmao. Afghanistan has zero infrastructure who fucked ur arse nice and hard and sent u back to ur lesbian mommas. Veitnam has nothing other than strong quality army and rainforest mountains.
Howtf is even infrastructure of society related to warfare ? Hahah. I see u like dreaming a lot.

With himalayas from above and east, dessert from west, ocean from south, ghats and rainforests, India is impossible to invade lol. Its clear that u don't know how this works haha. U think u can do air raids coming from above cloudy himalays with our army right below them hiding with defence ?

Underwear ? Yeah american underwears are removed everywhere from, less infrastructured vietnam to wild terraine of afghan.
How can someone be so confident even after lossing all its wars to tribal people ? Its clearly visible to world coard USA can't fight straight in war so they create ISIS, mujahideen and bombing innocents of japan, syria, iraq.
And i never said china is tryna invade India. But they got a border dispute and always create rukkus at border and get fucked with 7 feet brave rajputs and sikhs, lol. U white pigs only know to attack tribals and that to by doing shit load of war crimes.
And stop smelling my underwear. Its so fucking weird how u faggots even feel right to talk like this to guys yukk. Which man talks about other's underwear lol ? Hahaha closet faggot.
NakedLunch Advanced 2,269 points
First of all I don't understand why you have to offend me.  I have never offended you.  the resentment you feel and the way you react tell me a lot about you.  You are so arrogant that you think I am American.  You use "lol" at the end of the sentence just to try to sound amused but you're just a kid who's read 2 books and thinks he knows the world.  I bet you never got out of your "super" country which was dominated and subdued by the British until a few years ago.  But what are you talking about?  your super army never did anything, only suffered.  Instead of thinking about the army, think rather that most of your people still don't have drinking water, poop in the streets and bathe in dirty rivers full of shit, you live with 20 people in 4 square meters in houses made of mud .  But what do you have to brag about?  You are just dominated by propaganda.  Open your eyes
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
I see, kid got hurt when stupid "infrastructue for war" aurgivement got flopped. Hahaha.
Ur comment literally shows how illiterate u are regarding geography, diversity and history too.
India wasn't a united country back then. It had many seperate kingdoms and emperors that quarelled with each other for selfish reasons as all kings did. Many parts of present India weren't under british rule. So ur statement "ur army suffered" doesn't even make sense neither India was a united country nor did it have any army. And winning 3 out of 4 wars and constantly overcoming under tensions due to dumb murican made mujahideen at pakistan isn't considered suffering. And that 1 loss against china was due to terrible famine. Winning 3 out of 4 wars, and constant terrorist attacks without commiting war crimes, bombing innocents, creating a whole new terror organisation for ur preference is still a dream for murican govt. and army.

And why does british history it bother u. lol. Literally americans and nearly whole world was colonised by britishers. Don't u read history at all ?

Ahhh now comes the common concern after loosing to army aurgivement. The water supply, sanitation have improved a lot during modi's regime and will continue improving. U don't need to worry about that, rather take care of ur stupid gun laws, its so pathetic in a country like USA.

20 people ? 4 square ? Haha, i live in a bunglow in almost crimeless part of southern india.
And even if any people wanna live in mud house in rural india, why does that trouble u lol. They are independent of outside word. They grow organic food (a dream for processed garbage eating muricans) , build their own houses, live with the nature breathing fresh air, I would actually prefer that lifestyle its far more healthy.
And btw i didn't brag about nothing. I was just talking about recent fights near ind-china border and a few years back. I even have footages of them. Seems like this made u insecure about ur army that's why u felt the need to make this into an aurgivement.
Nigger slave owner Natural Addict 9,168 points
0 votes
Dec 31, 2022
chink 38 points
WTF U can speak Mandarin?
Nigger slave owner Natural Addict 9,168 points
Sorry, I use a translator lolo
fuckthelife Hacker 80,817 points
lol I like the duvet cover
–1 vote
Dec 31, 2022
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,840 points
Imagine working a 12 hour shift and coming home to this.
+1 vote
Jan 1, 2023
fuckthelife Hacker 80,817 points
it happens every day
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,840 points
Loyalty is everything.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,817 points
yeah it happened to me two times lol
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,840 points
Bad choice of women, sorry to hear that. Being selective is everything.
fuckthelife Hacker 80,817 points
yes it is and now I am married to a very beautiful loyal woman she is very petite now married 25 years
Orion-14 Natural Addict 9,840 points
fuckthelife Hacker 80,817 points
she looks just like the famous barbara windsor and the same size as well
Jsjjsjt5q7okk Beginner 130 points
0 votes
Jan 8, 2023
Yousef Advanced 2,323 points
chigga should've brought a gun
0 votes
Apr 22, 2023
h0tp0tato Addicted 2,161 points
what a potato
0 votes
Jul 30, 2023
ificouldfly Well-Known 944 points
Eww why did she cheat on him with an uglier one
0 votes
Aug 8, 2023
N|GG€R__$LA¥£R Addicted 1,508 points
niggers are like retarded monkeys
0 votes
Sep 23, 2023
Wax 'n Slapps Experienced 426 points
They're gettin all slappy
0 votes
Nov 23, 2023
Nukelindusandjews 85 points
lol 7 feet lmao average indian soldier is shorter then the hairs on my balls and don’t include Sikh with your dirty scum hindu people they are good people I like them while u I will burn down haaaaaaahaaaa
0 votes
Jan 5, 2024
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
Hindu sholdiers no matter how tall they are, have always been making big mouth muslim pigs like u surrender.

120 hindu soldiers crushed 4000 subhuman chuslims in battle of Battle of Longewala.

93000 chuslims pigs surrender is a world record which hindu soldiers hold in 1971 war.

I know u feel shameless and inferior but u can't change history

U chuslim    

angelicaaaatheasian Beginner 171 points
lol gross
0 votes
Jun 30, 2024
Vukivukivukivuki? 2 points
Respectfully; if you think this is gross, then you shouldn't be looking at it.
angelicaaaatheasian Beginner 171 points
@Vukivukivukivuki Don't care + you're a male + I'm a girl + go to war
Vukivukivukivuki? 2 points
It's not good for your mental health to consume this type of content if it disgust you, even if you don't care, you're hurting yourself, try to consume it less often.
Keep this in mind.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
@Vukivukivukivuki does this gore stuff affect us mentally without us knowing about it ?
Vukivukivukivuki? 2 points
Are you being sarcastic? sorry for the misunderstanding, but i think your comment has the meaning of being sarcastic so i think responding tou your question would be meaningless.
If you're genuinely concerned, then i could respond.
Shiva Natural Addict 7,783 points
I m serious
Vukivukivukivuki? 2 points
Yes. It's well know in the scientific community the negative effects of this type of content in sensitive and non-sensitive subject. Even if you can see "heavy" things without feeling so bad, these levels of violence and suffering affect your subconscious, some people is affected less and others more, but it always affect even if you're already desensitized.
There are some lack of knowledge about the effects on subjects with neurological disabilities, but logically it should be the same.
Vukivukivukivuki? 2 points
My response was in some way very ambiguous, but if you're curious about this, you should investigate about it, it's a very interesting aspect of the human being and you can learn a lot about us.
mr.roleplay5 46 points
The fuck is fatty shoutting at.
0 votes
Oct 13, 2024
kiki97 Addicted 1,863 points