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Husband And Wife Drown On Honeymoon

they should have learned to swim

10,193 views Dec 20, 2022

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wolfred10 Overlord 5,126 points
Some people said that there's something in the water, because they can stand up, the depth of the water was shallow
+1 vote
Dec 20, 2022
Troglodyte The Boss 25,433 points
Well, the Loch Ness Monster is known to be very insidious!
+1 vote
Dec 20, 2022
mindemon Advanced 2,440 points
If that was real,  it was one of the most disturbing videos I have seen in a while.  It was also really scary,  because you have to wonder why they drowned.  They could clearly swim. Something was pulling them under.  Really creepy and disturbing video.
–3 votes
Dec 21, 2022
Visiongzusionix Natural Addict 7,711 points
Good point
mindemon Advanced 2,440 points
Good point.  I never thought about gasses.  I do want to clarify that when I said something was pulling them under,  I didn't mean like a creature or some big fish,  I was more meaning like a riptide or something like that,  but your explanation makes sense.
the_SHIT_astral Addicted 1,633 points
Honeymoon or fuckmoon, just look at the color of the water
By the way, bad luck for what happened
0 votes
Dec 21, 2022
Hey,it'sCaleb! Extreme Poster 510 points
Unfortunately, the answer could be a lot simpler than unseen predators or inability to swim in shallow waters. It looks like one of them, possibly the girl, might've stepped into an underwater drop-off and instinctively went into panic mode. Being pulled under by a downing person is common, since they're little more than a flailing animal at that point, grabbing anything they can. It's also harder to escape than it looks, many rescuers have died that way
+2 votes
Dec 21, 2022
~RoadKill~ Addicted 1,796 points
ht absolutely.  Panic killed these people.  If they had kept their slanted heads above water without the fight or flight, they would be in a Tokyo bar right now eating some foul oriental fish product.
Gay Anal Fisting Advanced 2,457 points
They couldn't breathe just like George Floyd
0 votes
Dec 21, 2022
Vanligovanlig Intermediate 1,218 points
Damn, that was really intense
0 votes
Dec 22, 2022
Sui Famous 4,210 points
When I was younger I almost drowned in a pond that was a lot smaller than this, the water was up to my waist. One second everything is fine, and then the next its like a bottomless pit pulling me down. I couldnt keep my head above water, infact there was maybe an inch of water between me and the surface, so I could almost tast freedom. That was the worst part, seeing a way to live just out of your grasp, the sheer amount of terror and panic is something I have never felt since. Hell, Im certain that something had my leg and was dragging me down but that doesnt even begin to compare. Eventually I was in there for so long that I remember sinking, watching the light fade and the world turn black right before being dragged out by a family friend. The about drowning is that its painful, your lungs fill with water and all that. But once you get tired, and suddenly not enough oxygen is getting to your brain the pain goes away completely. You feel sleepy, and safe, you just accept that your gonna die without any resistance. After that I learned how to swim and now I can tread water for almost an hour without using my arms. I still have nightmares qbout that day fairly often, and the whole thing plays through my head almost everyday forcing me to relive it.
+1 vote
Dec 22, 2022
ILOVEFEMBOYS Extreme Poster 627 points
Funny video as always!
+2 votes
Feb 10, 2023
BadgerFromTheYNC CEO 50,450 points