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dead Ukrops


3,726 views Nov 30, 2022

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A random French guy Famous 3,194 points
What a waste seriously
0 votes
Nov 30, 2022
LoonyBinJimmy Intermediate 1,177 points
Bu hahahahaaaa, it's full of news that Ukraine killing his own people to blame Russia.  And that bisexual: ZeGAYlensky is in Dubai with his transexual wife and beg Nato for help and more money bu hahahaha Ukraine is such a shithole lately
–3 votes
Nov 30, 2022
Visiongzusionix Natural Addict 7,711 points
Very good hunting, a nice pile of fertilizers for the next year's crop. Ukraine with the help of Jewlensky and pedo Biden won t need to buy fertilizers for the next 10 years at least.

Let me start with congratulations to the Russian Federation, a special big thank goes to Mr Putin and Mr Ramzam Kadirov for securing their countries' borders, also I would like to send a big shout-out to the Chechen troops for their efficient liquidation of these bunch of thugs and at last but not least to the powerful Wagner Group for their dedicated support to the big Nation of Russia.
 Once again thank you Russia for making the soil fertilized and also for totally liquidating all the Neo Nazis.
–3 votes
Dec 1, 2022
NiggersAreScum Famous 3,439 points
–3 votes
Dec 1, 2022
NiggersAreScum Famous 3,439 points
Nigger Nigger
NiggersAreScum Famous 3,439 points
Everyone hates Niggers. Cry monkey boy
fuckthelife Hacker 80,675 points
hahha yes you are right
NiggersAreScum Famous 3,439 points
First of all MATE. I am from London, it’s full of niggers. You yourself say you come from somewhere that there aren’t many, so tell me, who’s the one out of step with reality? live with niggers rather than in your sheltered little white liberal neighbourhood, you might change your tune. Why is it liberals always defend niggers, yet choose to live as far away from them as possible?
fuckthelife Hacker 80,675 points
NiggersArescum   well said that nigger gjmojo67 does not know nothing about life and he thinks the whole world owes him everything and he is above everyone yet lives of the whites back as they do.
SNIFF MY BUTTCRACK Overlord 6,120 points
Xaxol spat xochet !
–2 votes
Dec 1, 2022
Rumilov Well-Known 923 points
–2 votes
Dec 1, 2022
CHAEYOUNG Extreme Poster 598 points
+2 votes
Feb 12, 2023
AlbZ3 Famous 3,105 points