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Oh Israel... you are a handful

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Israel is without a doubt, the land of all the shitty ass jews!


And the responsibles for the deaths on millions of Palestinians

3,648 views Aug 9, 2022

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absolute Famous 3,933 points
Cool video containing Italian music bro
+3 votes
Aug 9, 2022
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,320 points
That Italian song is very accurate
cacao Famous 3,926 points
stop war in Israel, here i wanna say i do ending of my exist here, i will be now gast 1 time pro monat and ok. we go t together super moments here, but now we leave i go, go on next peoples, luck that movies. and now, im fro Poland , i go cheange some world, or not? mayby. you can do it to, end next peoples here, and next and next and next, and pease i Israel, and pease in many pleaces, that can be, somethimes we do that, yea i know this is money, politic etc. but its peoples to, Israel pooples, you dont must fight, just say hay: pease! weapon out.. and peoples now see, no more big pole befor eyes, we have that everybody, dragon on back, something in futute, and peoples right left, lets kill yeaaa.. but what is second ... medal side? btw hom many % crimes Istrael? i must check it tschuuusssss!!!!11
+2 votes
Aug 9, 2022
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,320 points
Probably a lyrics song
Billthebutcher Grandmaster 154,630 points
What language are you talking
NIGGER DETECTED Natural Addict 7,621 points
Aaa i loved the tschüss at the end, are you German?
marcato Well-Known 773 points

Take a look at this innocent people called Hamas.
+6 votes
Aug 9, 2022
Fuckniggerss88 Addicted 1,907 points
go jewish kill the sandniggas so they dont can come to my country
+2 votes
Aug 10, 2022
NIGGER DETECTED Natural Addict 7,621 points
Kikes don't care about the world but Sandniggers don't care about anyone neither
rawdawg Natural Addict 8,907 points
There will never be peace in the middle east.  Your religions will never allow it - because it poisons everything; man-made, and it shows.
+2 votes
Aug 10, 2022
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,320 points
The jewish is the main reason why there is no peace in middle east, attacking other Islamic countries
rawdawg Natural Addict 8,907 points
Doesnt matter; Islamic just as savage and warlike.  
These religions have bound all of your people to the illusion of entitlement to all that real estate by your man-made gods.
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,320 points
But anyway, I don't want to discuss about other religions
Brazil gatinho Intermediate 1,180 points
Hi sand nigga
Brazil gatinho Intermediate 1,180 points
I love Israel
+2 votes
Aug 10, 2022
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,320 points
everyone has their point of view lol, kk
NIGGER DETECTED Natural Addict 7,621 points
No way, they steal our oxygen
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,567 points
I think we should just turn the entire thing into a parking lot.
+5 votes
Aug 10, 2022
NIGGER DETECTED Natural Addict 7,621 points
that would be nice...
Turd Ferguson Veteran 13,567 points
It's the right thing to do
NIGGER DETECTED Natural Addict 7,621 points
Fucking big nosed kikes, but also fuck Palestine sandniggers
+1 vote
Aug 10, 2022
Your Agent Mossad Experienced 290 points
those sand niggers are losers for 74 years and a row wheres your God now muslim terrorist
0 votes
Aug 11, 2022
Username101010 Natural Addict 8,320 points