- We're both pathetic, I wasn't denying anything about myself
- I don't remember what you typed out of the blue a week ago. You said a few shitty things about me. So I responded with bullshit
- I wasn't talking shit about planning suicide. Only that you said 20 times you were 1 or 2 days away
- The only reason because what you typed on 3 occasions
- The 3rd time you said major trash to or about me I said fuck this dude
- The most poignant reason for my response is the lies you typed about me that make no sense. Talking to myself, stalking,
- Also, I'm not evil you dildo
- I don't care what you typed. It's your opinion and your decision to make shit up.
- You're correct, I messaged you 1st. If you recall, you told me to in a comment.
- I don't know the exact time frame since that message. Far as I remember, it was 2 months.
- It was 1 or possibly 2 days after I got back on after 2 months when I commented that back to you. Not sure why you'd say that wasn't true. Whatever, this wasn't short but you get the picture. I just saw this post for the 1st time. Don't kill yourself, it's lame of me to tell you to. I've heard it before coming at me. It doesn't get to me but reminds one that people and life are shit plus not worth navigating. This wasn't 1 sided. Take it easy