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Racist White Student Gets Beaten The Shit Out Of By Black Student

A White Student Says The N-Word To A Black Student And Gets Beaten The Shit Out Of

28,471 views Jul 18, 2022

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Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
Prepared for racism!
+11 votes
Jul 18, 2022
Shirosuke 0 points
No. 1 rule in some gore sites I swear is don’t argue in the comment section. You’re just going to waste your time by some ignorant, narcissist, racist, and any other things you can describe to a braindead faggot. They won’t listen to you, you’re just gonna be an ego-booster to them.
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
Yeah I’ve learnt that now, thank you
Mario's BrotherLuigi Overlord 4,593 points
Ferocious, hostile infuriated nigger
+7 votes
Jul 18, 2022
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
You’d probably be furious if somebody said discriminating stuff to you
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
Correction: Yes, because we are low in savage monkeys
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
So do whites, whites aren’t any better
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
“ When former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd by kneeling on his neck in 2020, the world witnessed the most RACIST ELEMENTS OF THE U.S. CRIMINAL LEGAL SYSTEM ON BROAD DISPLAY.”
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
The only difference is that people actually cared about him dying, which is more then what we would possibly say when you die
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
Meanwhile half of the people who protested were white
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,809 points
Whites are human, blacks are garbage sub-human apes
bacon Experienced 379 points
Us whites don’t care if people use racial slurs against us, honestly somebody can tell us to kill our selfs bc we are white but we still wouldn’t care lol but when it’s the other way around you know…
Shut up gay 0 points
bruh chill Lana, i hate niggas
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Look at your pfp your the ugly cracker out here LMAO
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Every nigger needs a good stomping, TheCityWalker007 is a perfect example.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Every cracker needs a awesome murder scene like the video for example cracker ass bitch ass Chicken_Lover is a awesome example
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Niggers are always killing each other for our amusement, go catch a few bullets to your nigger face.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Crackers always fucking cousins and creating abomination inbred children go back to your cousin in Alabama cracker jack and fuck your cousin your looking lonely af at the moment fucking weeb cracker discord mod
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Nuh that's what niggers do.
Look up the statistics for sexual abuse, niggers rank first in all of them.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Crackers rates more on rape itself on raping there own cousins deep in the south LMAO learn history stop fucking your mamma and cousin get a real gf fucking faggot ass piece of shit I'll fucking kill you goddamn self inbred son of a bitch
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Actually you'll find that its blacks that have the highest rates of rape.
Crime is one of the few things that you lot are good at.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
Again, that's actually niggers.
>Keeps saying the same retarded shit
>Reeeee stop saying the same shit

Again, you have zero self awareness, a real demonstration of your sheer stupidity.
Zultannis 3 points
@JGMOJO67 I would not call blacks apes since white people have thin lips ((like chimpanzees)), and white people also have the highest amount of body hair compared to any other race on the planet. You can blame the body hair on colder climates, but I would argue against this since monkeys and apes live in warm environments and never lost their hair, so it's possible that whites haven't developed more body hair due to climate, but just have a beast-like nature to them... And not to play devil's advocate here, but black people also have monkey characteristics as well... So, I'm just not taking the side of blacks here. Black people have big nostrils... also; Their demeanor and low impulsive control is quite ape-like too, but white people are also quite prone to emotion too, so... yeah. /shrugs By the way... I'm of the mongoloid race. Part white too ((white mother)).
Zultannis 3 points
@bacon You: Us whites don’t care if people use racial slurs against us, honestly somebody can tell us to kill our selfs bc we are white but we still wouldn’t care lol but when it’s the other way around you know… Me: That's because white people aren't cut off from occult power and knowledge to the same degree as the non-white races are, due to our reptilian over-lords. The alien shapeshifters/ or SKINWALKERS that control this planet... they protect white people from us, because you guys are inherently weaker... Or less spiritual/ lower MASCULINE intellect. The white person's soul is based upon the BLACK SUN/ female aspect. When the alien 'Gods' created humanity; They split the soul in two... cutting humanity off from the light/ spiritual aspect (masculine/ YANG). We live under a black sun-based system/ matriarchy... subjected to a shadow show projected by the false light/ false patriarchy, but reality under the system is ruled by darkness/ YIN (female) energy. Getting back in touch with the light ((which can only be done through occult power and knowledge)) would allow one to utilize or TAME the female aspect; Joining of the two pillars of the soul... And through that balance will racism cease to exist, and the lie of white superiority will die along with that.
TheCityWalker007 Beginner 183 points
Zulu nations will fucking murder you gringo cracker puta mira (Says same reee faggot shit) STFU (Says same ass words like nigger) Stfu (Says blacks are lowest class) Stfu I'll fucking end you faggot ass cracker bitch @Chicken_lover
Chicken_Lover The Boss 26,493 points
You won't do shit you nigger faggot coward.
I gave you my home address and you were too much of a bitch to do anything.
white_resistance 1 point
@TheCityWalker007 we have hot sexy women, u have masculine black trannies as women, worship our hot white race loser nigger
Mario's BrotherLuigi Overlord 4,593 points
It seems someone said they don't support "Black Double Cotton Nigger Monkey-Useless (BLM terrorist organization; looting, stealing, killing, burning the local stores of black people-friendly fire LMAO) 13% of the US population and 52% of crimes. Ugly black shit looking-like nigger animals."
+7 votes
Jul 18, 2022
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
despite being only 45% of the population white people commit 92-95% of crimes against children... not to surprising for a race who picks on those without the means to defend themselves
Mario's BrotherLuigi Overlord 4,593 points
BLM protests have inflicted more than $2 billion of damage to private property. Magnificent and most importantly, sophisticated race are niggers? Unintellectual conformist.
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
Neanderthal, you speak about spohistication? You stole math from arabs...guns from china and built america off the back off Africans and Chinese. Wipe my ass with your superiority yeti.
There are three types of lies - lies, damn lies, and commie statistics.

Kike scum NaziMolester__antifa, stop spreading your commie lies about Whites.
You not only think up false "crimes percents" and attribute them to Whites. You also using "Lovejoy's Law", standard dirty trick of demagogue to appeal to emotion.
Mario's BrotherLuigi Overlord 4,593 points
@NaziMolester__antifa Cro-Magnon, have you finished with acquiescing to everything @NoNameNigger distastefully demands? 卐Nigger Trash卐, you contracted a severe permanent major brain injury and are performing abhorrent actions such as claiming imprecisely researched topics are factually accurate. Your brain capacity and the attention span are exorbitantly ephemeral.
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
suck my cock yeti child groper
Mario's BrotherLuigi Overlord 4,593 points
ez win
another victory, nigger always become abhorrently incompetent after witnessing the truth about their own nigger race. Lol.
Mario's BrotherLuigi Overlord 4,593 points
Sneaking around the back like niggers usually do
+7 votes
Jul 18, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Whatever, the white fucker had no chance in any capacity.
Natural Addict 8,451 points
Dumbasses lmfao
0 votes
Jul 18, 2022
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
when a 4channer forgets he's not on  /pol
+8 votes
Jul 18, 2022
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
Thank you a person who has braincells
diedinjuly Veteran 11,485 points
string that monkey up
+4 votes
Jul 18, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Not a suprising statement since white dudes have no issue with killing kids.
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
missed opportunity... I would have raped him after
+6 votes
Jul 18, 2022
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
Kind of has brain cells, but that’s more then I can say then half of the members on this site
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
You have a anime girl tied up as your pfp your opinion means nothing
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
im not a faggot but i guess you can techinally classify me as a "nigger" if you want.

I keep on saying this... when you rape someone its not always gay it can be to just dehumanize / humiliate you . I know you wont understand until it happens to you so you can know the difference.

I was never gonna use my cock... we use brooms snapped in half rolled in glass
Lana1999 Natural Addict 9,284 points
Yet again you have a anime girl tied up as your pfp, just let that sink in
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
if we were alone together i would dress you up and put makeup on you. mwuuah <#
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
the arab man ranks top on all lists of un attractiveness so pipe down abdul...
African atheist Intermediate 1,213 points
I love how the best ting he has to say are insults. No rational argument or thoughts. Just demonstrates how broken his brain is really. You’d honestly have a better conversation with a wall
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
hit me up @theblockchainspot for all NFT/crpyto development and marketing needs

thats my ig and if you are wondering about a perosnal account then no im not some no lifer on social media... no tiktok, twitter, insta or snapchat for personal use but all have biz accounts

hit up theblockchainspot
African atheist Intermediate 1,213 points
All of arguments are irrational and not supported by evidence. You can cherry pick any stats to paint a narrative but I know your dumbass wouldn’t know or understand that. Stats without context are fricking useless. There’s a reason why your irrational beliefs are becoming less prevalent in society. It’s because most people are actually realizing how irrational and stupid those beliefs are but ey you do you. Your racist kind will eventually cease to exist
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
@african atheist what do you expect from an arab? he is mad that no female likes arabs cuz they stink and beat women and he takes out his hate on "niggers" who fuck the bitches he cant
African atheist Intermediate 1,213 points
Lame! Again no rational discussion just lame insults but what should I expect from someone with the IQ of a spoon. No offense to spoons btw
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
your IQ pushes in the single digits @redstirring arguing with racists is fun but not when they are this stupid. @africanatheist is right.
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
why didn't all lives matter riot after the asian lives matter protests?  Its simple... the asian women has always seduced the white man.
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
whats stopping you from killing us? Oh wait... your too weak!
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
likewise <3 i would make you my little white femboy bimbo bitch
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
im not gay cuitepie
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Say it again!
Tarrant Omega 20,322 points
The social reject that posted this video needs to get their head stomped into the curb.
+5 votes
Jul 18, 2022
Tarrant Omega 20,322 points
I fucking hate Niggers
+5 votes
Jul 18, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
So what? What you gonna do except keep yapping on about it.
bayron0608 Veteran 11,178 points
Mf got hoed
+6 votes
Jul 18, 2022
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
This site is vulnerable  to code injection @mods

your stupid text box coverts plaintext into code. I would exploit it but I kinda like the site so im not going to
+8 votes
Jul 18, 2022
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
Im not going to internet flex little boy...  you know jack shit.
Mario's BrotherLuigi Overlord 4,593 points
Makes sense now
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
what does.
JGMOJO67 The Boss 31,809 points
That dirty fucking nigger is beating up a little kid. Niggers deserve to die, all of them.

I propose that we start beheading black infants. It's simple, you pay a nigger-bitch $5 for their baby (they will sell one for a crack rock).
+5 votes
Jul 18, 2022
Observer Extreme Poster 651 points
If you actually said that to a black man he would beat your ass. You're just a kid in mommies basement. Go ahead and go up to black men and call them niggers. Post the video big shot! You won't cause you're a pussy phantom kid keyboard warrior.
Observer Extreme Poster 651 points
So call black men niggers on the street and film it then post it. We're waiting...
Observer Extreme Poster 651 points
Where's the video? Can you post it on here? Does it show your face too?
Observer Extreme Poster 651 points
I don't believe you. Prove it! And I'm neither, I just don't like racist people and liars.
Observer Extreme Poster 651 points
That's what I thought. Another lying keyboard warrior.
NaziMolester__antifa Addicted 1,660 points
lol nice one @observer
Observer Extreme Poster 651 points
I don't care about your address. You said you have posted videos of you calling black men niggers. Post it again. You won't because you never did that. And I'm not a kid. I'm 42.
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
Here you go again with your bullshit. White racist faggots will never be sastified. You laugh when you see blacks beaten or killed but then you cry foul when the black wins; you will give them nothing,ever. It is always somehow whites who are better even in the face of seeing otherwise. The little simp got his ass beat, go to leawrn to fight and win next time; all the other murdering people is fucking ridiculous.
niggerdickjunky Overlord 5,487 points
@JGMOJO67. How many proposals do you have for murdering? Quite a few....A white simp got owned,and deservedly so. Just accept it and get on with it.
Zultannis 3 points
@JGMOJO67 Ease down on the edge, before you cut yourself there faggot. You know you wouldn't talk this way; Face to face with a Tyrone, lol.
Bring hitler back Addicted 1,961 points
wtf. the nigger should go straight to juvenile prison
+2 votes
Jul 18, 2022
gjmojo67 The Boss 35,912 points
So if the white kid won would you say the same?
Legz Advanced 2,368 points
taught him a lesson and Lol the cat in the corner
+3 votes
Jul 18, 2022
PsychoHebrewRemover卐 Famous 3,624 points
damn another nice race war potential material
0 votes
Jul 19, 2022
PsychoHebrewRemover卐 Famous 3,624 points
both of them look like genetic trash
–1 vote
Jul 19, 2022
Hc3z 66 points
That negro is strong
+1 vote
Sep 30, 2022
Lucifah Famous 3,732 points
Well well.
+1 vote
Nov 4, 2022
If wasn't a cheap ass pussy, he wouldn't have attacked from behind and instead called out his intention to beat his ass up front.
0 votes
Nov 4, 2022