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Hope Glue Can Fix That
Peeling skin.
10,699 views May 29, 2022

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Natural Addict 8,474 points
Super glue can seriously probably fix that
–1 vote
May 29, 2022
SukaShenya Experienced 305 points
Heil der Fuhrer. O/
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
You are boring as fuck yucky
+1 vote
May 29, 2022
SukaShenya Experienced 305 points
lol, lucky is boring
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
I agree he’s sooooo booooooooring
Fagnotta you retard dog killing son of bitch kill yourself
SukaShenya Experienced 305 points
agreed, he is boring like china
SukaShenya Experienced 305 points
Shut the fuck up cunt FEAR
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
He should fuck off
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
Retard fear
SukaShenya Experienced 305 points
I agree fuck FEAR he is cunt fag
Fagnotta your boyfriend defending your corpse
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
FEAR is a retard clown
Once you fags done bending each other over why don't you post your names I want to pay you a visit
SukaShenya Experienced 305 points
You faggot, you don't have the nuts to pay visits
Try me
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
What would you do? lol
You'll see for yourself slut femboy you think this shit is game ha post your clown name mother fucker
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
Why? Na im fine
F.E.A.R  all of these accounts that are taking up for Luka I'd HIS accounts that he is talking to himself from. You need to catch up. Most of these accounts that you see commenting are the same person talking to themself over and over. Nobody here will take up for him but himself that's why he makes alternative accounts that acts like it's somebody else but it's really him taking up for himself. Notice most of the accounts that are taking up for him or brand new accounts that barely have any points is because it's him. He's a weird schizophreniac fuck. I would be surprised is F.E.A.R is Luka also.
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
You have schizophrenia
You living or borrowed time cabron post your name son of a bitch
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
Why tho?
Go squirt your clown juice on your mom you piece of shit gook
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
Yucky respond to this comment
+1 vote
May 29, 2022
I keep exposing Luka for being a weird little faggot that has a bunch of alternative accounts so he Flags my comments to get them deleted like a little b****. He literally sits there and talks to himself all day long and acts like somebody else. This guy is seriously a fucked up individual. The only reason be hasent committed a serious crime yet is because he's he's afraid to go to prison and get his little asshole stretched out for his lunch tray.
+1 vote
May 29, 2022
0Don't compare to the fag chink you jungle scratching jigaboo
Hey fuckTheFools did thst faggot get your account ban also like a little plunger fucking panty sniffer faggot bitch aldo
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
I only have 1 account until proven guilty
Everything you get exposed you removethe videos you're really fucking weird and delusional
Holy FUCK ur daughter does anal this is sushi baka  by the way. I haven't even read through the entire commentvyet but you might want to copy and paste it somewhere so that you can repost it because what he's going to do is use his alternative accounts to flag it and delete this comment so that nobody else can see it, your comment that is
Your daughter does anal I'm so glad that somebody else is aware and has been paying attention to this. I caught on to it about a month ago. He actually hasn't done the best job of covering his tracks and he exposed himself many times when he did he went ahead and deleted the videos. If you look even in this comment section on this video he's still talking to himself and doing the same thing and you can tell it's him. It's strange man.. I tried being the guys friend but I see how he treats others and i refuse to do so. It just makes me a bit happy knowing that I'm not alone somebody else has the same attention to this the entire time
Wow man.. I just want to say I really appreciate your company here and I really appreciate your analysis.. it means a lot to me to know that I'm not alone and somebody else is aware of this it has been watching from the background and and paying attention because these points you make arevery valid and very true. He absolutely did almost expose himself that day but that's the thing man he exposed himself so many other times but whenever he realized that he did he go ahead and delete the comments or delete the videos for anybody was able to realize it. I'm surprised he hasn't chimed in yet as well because I know damn well if you're online right now. He probably doesn't know how to react to it. I just honestly hope she doesn't shoot up a school or a local grocery market or something man. I'm really concerned.
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
Hahahahaha u got some things wrong lol
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,087 points
Did you really kill an animal just for fun Luka? I hope that was just to rile people and not actually true
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
Of course I was joking everything I say on this website is one big joke
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,087 points
Good, I'm glad to hear it
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
Of course lol
I don't believe him. If you think the things you day and the way you act I'd "just s joke" you are seriously a fucked up twisted individual.  You literally sit there and make up accounts all day and talk to yourself and then lie to everyone about it how is that a joke? You idolize School shooters and rapist. You fantasize about murdering and raping people. You constantly lie 24/7 and go in circles with yourself. You claim to only have one account which is a lie because the only way to get someone's account Bannedld or comments removed is to flag them multiple times and you would only be able to do that if you have multiple accounts. I'm not falling for your games. Oyvayrabbi might but I'm not. Besides who cares if you killed an animal or not anyway people kill animals all the time and you eat the animals that was killed.  Maybe I should upload some Tyson videos on here so you can see how the animals you eat are treated behind the scenes.
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,087 points
Dark humor will always have its place in the world but baseless accusations however will not, what single piece of undeniable factual evidence do you have that Luka does any of the things you mentioned? To me it seems like one individual creating countless profiles to post accusations, I've seen the exact same copy/paste paragraph from two different fresh accounts at once so its clearly not multiple singular unique users, its all one inbred. The distinction I made was whether an animal was killed for fun, not for food source or wild shooting, if true I'd also assume the animal to be someones loved domesticated pet whereas animals bred for food and hunting are born for the purpose of continuing a cycle, not just entertainment (with exception to things like game shooting and return catch fishing, although returning the catch at least doesn't end the cycle of that fish)
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
Jesus I hurt people on this site emotionally to write whole essays about me lmao, I don’t care to make another account and that’s obvious and I did say i would prove that. for whatever reason now it’s done I can’t really be bothered responding it’s over now.
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
I literally said I would prove on discord that those accounts you accuse me of being aren’t mine ffs but you didn’t listen I couldn’t care less now Jesus lol
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
Yeah but it’s “undeniable” proof tho but I literally said I would prove that I’m not those accounts on discord hahahahaha retard this is what schizophrenia does to a mfer
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,087 points
I don't know how to prove it to you but I'm legitimately not Luka, I've no idea why you obsess over him so much. Enjoy the site and stop throwing baseless accusations. If 'I'm' annoying then why do you spend so long following and responding? If we all played along and pretended we were actually one guy, would that make you happy?
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
It’s retarded lmao all I wanna do is post some videos to the site a few comments and they won’t just leave me alone it’s weird as fuck lol
OyVeyRabbi The Boss 28,087 points
Same here, if I owned this site I'd just ban the cunts immediately
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
Same lol I wish they would just get ip banned from the site like Jesus let me just post a few comments and videos that’s all
Bright Nazanin Experienced 348 points
Does anyone else remember Jewslayer? I havent seen him in a long time (not that i want to) i just hope he's either arrested for the shit He's said over the years or died a boring(painful) death that didnt even get him the slightest media attention and didnt even get him in this site or he might have just gotten too old for this and started living off pension that pedo fucking gay loser faggot white trash
+3 votes
May 29, 2022
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
I don’t give a fuck kill Yourself ewww a cringe anime profile pic
Bright Nazanin Experienced 348 points
Who asked?
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
No one, keep writing essays.
Bright Nazanin Experienced 348 points
Nigga has mental retardation
Bright Nazanin Experienced 348 points
Luka i dont understand why youre so rude to me can we just get along and be friends and you stop writing bullshit whenever i say anything
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
I was nice to you and you said something mean, when I was literally being friendly.
Bright Nazanin Experienced 348 points
I said that because you're named after a total idiot but now i feel bad
Could you stop saying random bullshit to my comments they're kinda annoying and makes you look like a nuisance
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
I’m sorry I won’t do it again.
Bright Nazanin Experienced 348 points
Okay thx
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
I only said it because what you said was mean
There you go talking to yourself again with different accounts like a weird faggot.
+1 vote
May 30, 2022
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
Anonymous, since the last video got hidden I was commenting this in response. Addressing the account thing I only have 1 account I wish I could show that but literally no way to prove it. And I’m literally 100% joking when I say stuff on this site like really. I even tell them im joking. But accept from yucky because he’s just annoying asf lol.
Serial Killer Omega 23,747 points
Also u literally think every account is mine. I only have 1 account haha like seriously
They won't give give the attention you desperately seek that's why you call them annoying.  You need to get help before you hurts  someone
xXkristenXx Beginner 130 points
nice! lol
+1 vote
May 30, 2022
Lynchpsycho666 Intermediate 1,008 points
nigger looks like megamind
+1 vote
May 31, 2022
Killer on the road Natural Addict 8,576 points
where's the rest of his head?
+2 votes
Jun 2, 2022
are17 Landed Knights 183,218 points
flex tape is solve the problem
+3 votes
Jun 2, 2022
Sieg Heil! 32 points
Should of just died, i'm not living with that.
0 votes
Dec 22, 2024
Adorbeez 20 points
What happened?
0 votes
Feb 8
Yucky Lord Paramount 458,603 points